Dear Trinity,
Last month, we started to make several structural changes to our liturgy that go beyond the regular seasonal wording changes (Ordinary, Pentecost, Advent, etc.)
Why did we do this?
Well, when Bishop Ken was here, he pointing out something that we already knew to be true. It's that our service can tend to feel packed -- like we needed to "get through" the liturgy in order to reach the end on time. His heart for us was that we would all feel a sense of spaciousness each Sunday. That we would find a balance of structure and freedom to let the Spirit do His work, and to give us more freedom to worship and linger. In order to make more room, he recommended we consider re-arranging some elements of our service order.
So we are in a phase of trying out a new service order. After having the same one for many years, we realize that this can be jarring for some of you. It is for us, too! But it's also led to some things that we've really been enjoying -- a longer worship time after communion, which has allowed for more breathing room at the end. We also added that instrumental space after the sermon, which many have said they enjoy for the time it gives them to reflect. And then we've also made changes to the prayers of the people, which has started to engage all of us in praying our own prayers during a time of response after the word is preached.
Whenever we change the liturgy -- whether that's the ordinary liturgy of our own daily lives or the liturgy at church -- it can be a little bit clumsy. There are fits and starts. Mistakes are expected! But it's all part of seeking a new rhythm together. And hey -- if something just ain't working, we'll know in time. Remember -- as a body, we're all learning together. And so please keep the dialogue going as we try new things. We want to hear how it's impacting you.
As a reminder, we have just one service during July (9:15am). The 8am is going to take a pause.
In regard to masks, we are adopting the latest CDC guidelines as well as WBBC's policy:if you're fully vaccinated, you do not have to wear a mask. Also, given children's low rates of transmission, parents are welcome to discern whether their children wear masks. Thank you everyone for taking time to discern how to best love God, our neighbors, and ourselves in Christ! (Philippians 1: 9-10)
Please register below so that we can plan accordingly and make sure there's enough space for each family.

PARKING REMINDER! Please leave the first two rows clear for WBBC. The back lot of Colonial Vista is available if the WBBC lot is full.

Nursery Help Needed!
We are thankful to resume our Nursery ministry during the sermon each Sunday. Hooray for our new Nursery Coordinator, Sarah Duffey. We need a few more volunteers! If you would like to help care for little ones during the sermon (25 minutes) please sign up here or contact Sarah (509.699.1558) for more info.

Small Miracles - lunches for kids in our Parish!
Did you know that Trinity Church partners with Small Miracles to hand out lunches at Methow Park? This is our 5th year helping with this important service. This summer the Ingalls Creek Interns are organizing the volunteers. If you would like to help, please contact Susan Waltar. dswaltar@gmail.com or (208) 818-6041

The Whole-Brain Child book group meets Tuesdays at 7:30 pm. We will meet online by zoom. This is great info for parents and anyone interested in learning about how God made our amazing brains! The book is an interesting and fun read about how our brain develops and how community plays a critical role in the process. We'll discuss the Intro and Chapter 2 this Tuesday. Sign up here.
If you missed Evensong and Backyard church in June, don't despair :) there are two left! Be sure to mark your calendars for July 25th and August 29th. Sign up for Backyard Church @ 9:00 here.
Save the dates - details coming soon!
Family Camp - Sunday August 15th - We'll spend the whole day at Tall Timber Ranch to play, worship and feast in this beautiful setting.
Baptism Sunday - Sunday September 12th - If you are interested in baptism for yourself or your children contact Pastor Matt or Pastor Carson for more information.
Small Groups - Several small groups will begin this Fall. If you are interested in leading a group contact Pastor Carson.
PS - If you missed the Summer News video update you can watch it here. A few chuckles guaranteed :).