Our Story
Founded in 1995, we called Matt Canlis in 2013 from a parish in rural Scotland to be our pastor, and to help us discover what traditional parish ministry means in a modern American town. The documentary film GODSPEED traces this journey from North America to Scotland and back again. During this time, we discerned a need to join a denomination that would give Matt both colleagues and accountability; our “Denominational Search Team” found the Anglican Church of North America to be a great fit.
Later in 2018, Matt needed a second pastor to come alongside him and help bring support and structure to our growing church. A trellis for the vine. A chance connection to Carson Leith and a phone call one February day led to welcoming him that Spring as the second pastor. Together, he and Matt became priests on Holy Cross Day in 2019, and our entire church was welcomed into the worldwide Anglican Communion. For their Ordination sermon (preached by OT scholar Bruce Waltke), you can listen below:
We continue to worship in a 100 year old building, generously sold to us by the Wenatchee Brethren Baptist Church (many of whose great-grandparents mortgaged their orchards in order to build this church).
We are a community of broken and blessed people, who are living out the gospel in our everyday lives and relationships. We are united by our love for God, our neighbors, and ourselves as Christ intended. We have different callings in different corners of the parish as orchardists, teachers, ski-patrollers, or stay-at-home parents, but these all flow from our first calling to be God's children in this world. Young and old, married and single, rich and poor, we are brothers and sisters who have been adopted into the communion of Father, Son, and Spirit.