Carson LeithAug 22Service @ 9:45am // Last chance CampChurch Camp registration closes this Sunday night. Sign up here! Congregational Meeting this Sunday 8:30am Dear Trinity, Above is the...
Nicole HunterAug 15Face-to-Face Fall 2024Trinity Church, Hello! Last year we learned about the primary purpose of prayer. Do you remember? Prayer isn’t to get God to do what we...
Carson LeithAug 7Baptism Sunday: A Guide for NewbiesBaptism Sunday (August 11th) Dear Trinity,This Sunday, we get to celebrate five people getting baptized at Ingalls Creek! We hope you can...
Carson LeithAug 1Church Camp Registration Now OpenChurch Camp is Here! Dear Trinity, This Fall we are going to be gathering into small groups centered around John Mark Comer's Practicing...
Trinity ChurchJul 25South Wenatchee ConnectionsSouth Wenatchee Connections A Letter From Sara Solano Dear Trinity, It’s been two months since I got to share with you what God is doing...