We give because God gave first.
“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.”
2 Cor. 8:9
Tithing is giving a tenth of what God has first given to us.
Jesus gave his very life for us, demonstrating God’s extravagant grace. And we get to respond with sacrificial generosity by giving our gifts, abilities, time, and money to God, His people, and His work. This is a practice that helps us remember to always put God first in our lives.
To make a secure, one-time or recurring gift, click the button below.
Our online giving has changed!
Trinity Church has transitioned to a new digital giving platform called Subsplash Giving. This change will make generosity easier and more convenient with features like Apple Pay and Google Wallet.
Attention Recurring Givers
First of all, thank you! As we transition from the previous giving system to the new system, recurring givers need to TURN OFF their recurring gift in the old system.
You can do that following the instructions below or you can contact Pastor Carson by email at carson@trinitywenatchee.org and we can turn off your previous recurring gift for you.
2 Simple Steps to Switch
​​​Step 1: Cancel the Old Gift on Planning Center
If you have a recurring gift on Planning Center right now, please follow these instructions to cancel your gift.
On the "Give" tab, find the button "My Giving" (to the right of "My Information")
Go to "Recurring Donations" (lefthand sidebar) and click the edit button (looks like a pencil) for the gift you want to cancel.
Delete that gift. Now, future gifts related to this scheduled recurring gift are canceled and the recurring gift will no longer be listed in your account.
Log out and you're good to go!
Step 2: Setup a New Gift on Subsplash