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Meet the Architects: Building Brainstorm Night

Matt Canlis

Save the Date: November 16

“Lord, let them imagine. And dream. And speak out boldly!”

Those are the words of a teenager with whom I just prayed. It’s Wednesday as I write - the day our staff dedicates to prayer and sometimes fasting. The young man was praying for everyone at our church, young and old, who will gather to voice ideas and hopes for the restoration of our 100 year-old building.

3 weeks from today, November 16 at 6:30pm, an architect from England will lead our church in a brainstorming session about the restoration of our 100 year-old building. His name is Alex, and he is flying from London to Wenatchee to learn more about Trinity’s story, and to listen to your ideas for the church building. Alex’s specialty is working with older buildings, (like the one pictured above) and helping congregations balance beauty, functionality, and mission.

The goal for Nov 16 is to hear from as many of us as possible. We will likely assemble together in the sanctuary that night to begin, and then break into smaller groups to generate discussion and gather ideas.

Alex the UK Architect has sent 18 questions for each of us consider before we come (they are posted on the event page once you click the button below). PleaseRSVP below. And if you could take 10 minutes to answer some pivotal questions, it would really help our brainstorming process.

Whether you have ideas for a bowling alley in the basement, a bridge to Colonial Vista, pickleball courts in the parking lot, or a soup kitchen for neighborhood lunches . . . please come and share what you hope happens – not just to our building – but inside our hearts. How can we encourage worship inside the Lord’s house, and make room to let outsiders in?

What is God doing on the corner of Peachy & Okanogan street, and how can we join in His work here for the next hundred years?

Let’s boldly speak and pray!

Father Matt

PS. If you peeled back the carpet in the basement, you would see the original shuffle board lines bearing witness to the games WBBC once played!

PPS. Julie Canlis is preaching this Sunday, and if you have any questions about women and preaching, please listen to Bishop Ken's two talks here (foundations) and here (application).


Moldavian Ministry Follow-up

Written by Rachel Whitson

Two weeks ago, Oleg and Karina (our Ukrainian friends who are here in Wenatchee as refugees from the war) called to say they had friends and ministry partners from Moldova visiting them and that they would like to bring them to meet us. What followed was an evening listening to stories of God’s grace and provision in the lives of two faithful servants, Nicholae and his wife Svetlana, who in 2000 felt led to start a Christian camp to introduce children in their country to Christ. They had the equivalent of $5 saved up, no land for a camp, and no car (Moldova is Europe’s poorest country) but, after much prayer and many meetings, they were able to hold their first summer camp that year and were thrilled to see 24 children come to know Jesus.

Now, 22 years later, they have seen their ministry grow. They lead numerous camps for children, “young people over the age of 60,” and families with children who are handicapped or have developmental delays. They serve in orphanages and work with children who have been neglected. They serve in a women’s prison and establish discipleship relationships with the women who are there so that when they are released and reunited with their children (many of them campers who have come to Christ), the families will have the opportunity to grow together in their faith.

What is this couple’s relationship to us here in Wenatchee and at Trinity? Nicholae was one of Oleg’s teachers at the Bible Institute; their friendship continued after Oleg’s graduation and they became ministry partners. When the war became severe enough in their area that they needed to leave for their family’s safety, Nicholae and Svetlana stepped in to help them escape. They were here in Wenatchee to visit with their friends, to encourage them as they continue to settle into our community, and to spread the story of their ministry that has suddenly grown again.

Their camp in Moldova is now also an initial respite point and ministry center for refugees. Nicholae said they have been housing and serving more than 150 refugees per day for much of this year. Most of these guests are able to move on through a network of churches and resettle in other places, but some of them - the very old, the sick, and the handicapped, are not able to continue moving. Nicholae and Svetlana have rebuilt and are outfitting a large five-story building to house 150 of these refugees indefinitely. The immediate needs they shared with us were for money to get their building’s heating system up and running (Moldova experiences cold, snowy winters) and to purchase kitchen appliances since they have a central kitchen for preparing meals for all their guests. The heating project has now been fully funded but they are still praying for funds for the gas bills (around $2000 per month), a maintenance fund, and the appliances.

If you would like to contribute to their ministry, you may give to Trinity’s missions fund or directly to their organization, which does have 501(c)3 status. is their website; is the best way to contact Svetlana.

Thank you for welcoming these new friends so warmly when they visited Trinity. They said they were blessed and encouraged by their visit. Please keep them, their ministry, and their safety in your prayers.


Advent in Community 2022 We are so happy to resume our tradition of making Advent crafts together after Sunday morning services this year! During Covid, families signed up to receive supplies to make wreaths, candles, etc. at home. Starting November 27th, after our worship service, we will return to the Fireside room downstairs to make crafts in community! We are so excited to share this wonderful (and a little wild) part of our Advent season with our newer Trinity folk. We need your help! Each Sunday we need people to help with set up during the 8:30 am service and clean up after the 9:45 am service fellowship hour. Supplies and instructions are all provided :). Please sign-up to help!


Oct 30 Evensong Cancelled . . . Games Night Instead!

Unfortunately, Octobers Evensong has to be cancelled due to some of the singers being sick. In place of Evensong, we will be having Games Night! Bring your own board game, sign up for Bunco, or join in on a round of Bananagrams with Pastor Carson! Games Night Sunday, October 30th at 6pm High school and adults only please Bunco, Bananagrams, and BYO Board Games! Hope to see you there!


Newcomers Dinner

If you are new to our church in the last year, and haven't attended one of our newcomers dinners, we'd love to meet you and share stories around a dinner table at a host home in our parish. Come meet other newcomers as well as one of our pastors and staff members, and find out how you can take the next step in your path to belonging at Trinity Church. Location will be announced soon!


Key Info for Church this Fall

Our services are at 8:30am and 9:45am.

- Live stream our 9:45am services HERE - Watch past services on YouTube - Listen to Sermon audio



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Trinity Church is part of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains. For more information about our tradition, click here.

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