Dear Trinity,
Greetings to you, wherever you find yourself this week, either in the parish or beyond. I wanted to bring to your attention various pieces of news.
Easter Service & Feast - Our Easter Service and Feast will be held outside at the Whitson's property from 10am - 1:30pm on April 4th. We are joyfully anticipating this day where our whole church can be gathered together. Please sign up here and stand by for more details next week.
Brethren back in the building starting Easter - WBBC is having their first in-person service this Easter. After a year of doing church by Zoom, they will finally see each other face to face. Starting April 4th, they will be having their service at 11am. Please pray for our team as we discern how and when we have services.
Spiritual Direction - You can sign up for a time with Pastor Matt here.
What is Vestry? Who's on It? - Our Vestry, led by our Lead Pastor, is the governing body of Trinity Church. The Vestry (click here and scroll to bottom to view current members) is comprised of ordinary members of our congregation that demonstrate Christlike leadership and the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-26). Each Vestry member commits to a 3-year term. They aid the pastors in all agencies and efforts for the advancement of the church's mission, acting as a sounding board in processing the future vision of the church.
The Vestry is primarily responsible for:
Finance: They oversee Trinity's bank accounts, annual budget, employee compensation and benefits. They also ensure proper accountability in compliance with the financial manual of the Diocese.
Building: They ensure that the physical property of the Church is adequate to the work of the Church and that the property is adequately insured and inventoried. In addition to monthly meetings, Vestry members tangibly work out this twofold role by participating in a weekly rotation called the “Vestry Member of the Day.” Each Sunday, one Vestry member is responsible for being present to our people during Sunday services in addition to counting and recording tithes with a small team. To learn more about the Vestry, or to ask any questions, please contact our Warden, Charlie Atkinson ( ——— As we approach Easter season, we keep thinking of you and praying for you every week. As you come closer to Him and shed off what hinders you, may you experience Jesus's promise of life to the full.
Pastor Carson
p.s. - I am looking forward to preaching this Sunday from Psalm 131. Please pray that the Spirit would make us ready to receive the food of His Word.