Dear Trinity,
As we travel through November on our way to Advent, I encourage you, if you haven't already, to pick up a prayer booklet and a lectionary handout (digital version of the lectionary readings here) for this next few weeks. In our lives, there is so much to pray through and to pray for. We hope that these ancient prayers and scriptures help facilitate prayer and reading in community, and may they keep you connected to Almighty God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
See below for a few opportunities to prayerfully act... whether it's through learning, or through supporting one another in our church body.
Two Ways to Prayerfully Act
Tomorrow Night: Learn how to talk to your kids about sex
Wind down this Friday night from 6:30-8pm with some snacks and drinks, as we together learn from Pastor Matt on how he taught his kids (when they were 5-10 year olds) about how they were made.
Who is this night for? This event is not just for couples with kids 5-10 years old, but also for single folks, teenagers, parents with older kids, and grandparents!
Support the Tomaltys who are at the hospital for 3 weeks
Jayna and Kevin Tomalty welcomed a baby boy, Kip, into her family last month. Unfortunately, Kip came down with a serious infection and they will need to spend the next 3 weeks at Seattle Children’s Hospital receiving treatment. Long stays at the hospital can be so costly and physically/emotionally draining. Please consider donating to our Benevolence Fund at Trinity so that we can pass along some support as they persevere through this difficult time.
You can read their CaringBridge here.
Upcoming November Events
- Wednesday Night Bible Study // November 15 and 29 @ 7pm
Join Nicole and Pastor Matt, here at the church, from 7-8pm to converse over the week's readings in the lectionary.
- Practicing the Way of Solitude Group // November 9, 16, and December 7 @ 8-9pm
Join Guy Evans on Zoom to learn about and practice the rhythm of retreat and return: retreat from people and distractions to be with God, in order to return to community in love and service. Contact Guy Evans for more information 509-670-3608. RSVP here
- Evensong // November 26 @ 6pm
Come participate in an evening of worship lead by our evensong choir.
- Solitude Retreat // Friday, December 8 - Sunday, December 10
Retreat to Ingall's Creek to spend a weekend practicing solitude and silence. RSVP here
- Advent Begins // December 3
Join Trinity as we welcome in the liturgical New Year and observe a season of joyfully awaiting the coming of Jesus.
Bulletin Board
If you have a personal need (like a job, or housing, etc.), an event you’d like to promote, or something you’d like our church body to be aware of, you can email hello@trinitywenatchee.org for us to review before posting.
Quick Links:
Sunday services: 8:30 and 9:45am (livestream the 9:45)
Download the Church Center app, or view it on your computer here