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Matt Canlis

Parts to Play

Parts to Play

Last week, I felt such freedom in the pulpit, playing charades and, with your help, bringing the story of Zechariah to life. Please watch the video above for the back story on how our janitor Bob's prayer helped inspire me.

In short, the video says this: By God's grace, Trinity is growing into what Paul describes in Ephesians 4:15 "Speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, namely: Christ! From him the whole body, joined together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work."

Bob is his playing his part as a janitor. I am playing my part as a pastor. Valarie is playing her part setting up communion. Jeremy is playing his part as our sound technician. Julia is playing her part leading Godly Play. In the new year, you'll be hearing more about what parts you might play in the Body of Christ at Trinity.

In the meantime, please do two things this week. Firstthank God for what's already happening in our church, and for the way He is growing us into a fuller expression of Christ's Body on the corner of Peachy & Okanogan. Second, ask yourself if there is a particular part you wish to play in the Body of Christ here at Trinity. Current needs include volunteers for Godly Play, set-up and clean-up on Sundays, and a person who could lead our fundraising for the building renovation. If any of these needs match your skills and gifting, please speak to me or Julia Barger, or leave a voicemail for Carson who is working one day/week while on paternity leave. You may also wish to make a year-end donation to the ongoing work of our church. See Carson's note below.

And whatever you discern about giving to the church this December, hear this benediction from Colossians 3: "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of One Body you were called to peace... and whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus."

May Christ himself lead each of us deeper into the joy

of playing our part in His Body!

Pastor Matt


Year End Giving Notice

Thank you for giving generously during 2022. You’ll hear a more in-depth financial update during our annual Congregational Meeting on January 22nd. But in short, as of Nov 30th, our giving is slightly behind by 5% (about $7,500). And expenses are more than anticipated by 10% (about $18,000) as we take on startup costs for owning the building, as well as increased ministry costs for a growing church.

In order to be on track for our income projections, we need to bring in $45,000 in December, which is 50% more than a normal month's giving. As of December 14th, we need about $36,000 to meet our budget goal for the end of 2022.

During this month, we ask you to help us finish the calendar year strong with a year-end gift. Whether this would be your first time giving to Trinity or you are a committed giver already…thank you.

In order for your gift to count in 2022 for tax deduction purposes, please make sure we receive it on or before December 31.

How do I give?

  1. Online giving. This method is convenient and secure, and can be accessed through or the Church Center App (Apple and Android Devices) **The most convenient and cost-effective way to give is to set up a recurring donation through ACH from your bank account.

  2. Mail. You can also mail checks, or set up automatic bill pay, to “Trinity Church, 535 Okanogan Avenue, Wenatchee, WA 98801. (Postmarked by Dec 31)

  3. Offertory basket. On Sundays, you can give by placing a tithe in the offertory basket at the entrance to the sanctuary.

We will have all the budget details for you at our Annual Meeting on January 22nd, and more detailed financial information is always available if you'd like to see it.


Darkest Night Service

December 21 @ 7pm

For many people, Christmas brings up as much grief as it does joy. This service is a time to lament the hard things as we wait in darkness for the light. It is a quiet and meditative service with music, word, and silence. What is a "Darkest Night" Service? This service is held on the darkest night of the year - December 21st - and provides an opportunity for lament and healing during a time of the year that, let's face it, is hard for some of us.

Often a "darkest night" service is specifically for those who might not be anticipating Christmas but dreading it - perhaps it is their first Christmas after a major life change, a wearying illness, the loss of a loved one. For others, Christmas reminds them of what they have lost or never had. Wherever you find yourself this year, please come and experience the healing and refreshment that comes when we give our griefs to God.


Caroling @ Colonial Vista THIS SUNDAY!

Everyone!! Please join us for a short pilgrimage across the street and into the lunch rooms and halls of Colonial Vista following the 9:45 am worship service this Sunday. The residents are so excited to have us come and sing with them after two Christmases without visitors. Here's the plan: 11:00 am - meet downstairs for a quick coffee/cookie and practice of a few familiar Christmas songs (song sheets provided as well and Nate Kellogg's guitar chords) 11:15 am - walk across the street to Colonial Vista to sing in a few lunch rooms, halls and wherever folks are gathered. 11:30 am - return to the church to continue fellowship or head home.


Advent Prayer Vigil

Start: 7:00 pm, Dec. 23 End: 10:45 pm, Dec. 24

Last year, we experimented with a new practice of hosting a prayer vigil to help us get our hearts ready for Christ’s coming. This year, we will again create a sacred space in the church that will be staffed around the clock by hosts who sit silently in it for a few hours at a time. We invite you to stop by for any length of time to rest and reflect as you set your gaze on Jesus.

Why silence? Silence is God’s original language. He invites us to know Him as we cultivate stillness in our outer and inner worlds.

Why host? The eternality of Advent is all around us. As we move into silence, the prayers of two millennia of saints spiral into our own. Hosts have the opportunity to be a part of this weaving.

Why visit? Even a short visit on Christmas Eve will allow you to be touched by the Vigil’s gathering stillness. Come and see.

Visiting hours: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, Dec 24

Host period length: 2 hours

Contact Guy Evans if you have challenges. (509) 670-3608


Christmas Eve Service

December 24 @ 11pm

Trinity Church has presented this traditional Kings College Choir service to the community since 2012. It includes Scripture readings, prayers and carols sung by a choir and the congregation.

Service followed by hot cider and treats by the heaters outside!


Sunday School Volunteers Needed

Our church is growing and we have many new children joining our Sunday School classes in January. What I love about our program is that it disciples and encourages the volunteers as much as the children.

If you are interested in learning more about the Sunday School team please contact or 509 630 2456. You can also find out more information on the website here.



Key Info for Church this Winter

Our services are at 8:30am and 9:45am.

- Live stream our 9:45am services HERE - Watch past services on YouTube - Listen to Sermon audio


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