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  • Carson Leith

Field Report from Rocky Mountain Diocese

Dear Trinity,

I’m writing to you from the plane on the way back from Denver, where our team of 8 people just spent the week with our Diocese. It was a powerful time that brought fresh life and encouragement to our team! Jesus discipled us with compassion and truth as we built new relationships, spent time in worship and prayer, laughed a lot (especially when bowling ), and heard from the Lord as His Word was opened and as we spent time in community.

I can’t wait to share more reflections and stories with you this Sunday as I preach and also facilitate a panel discussion with our team. You won’t want to miss this unique day!

Looking forward to seeing you,


P.S. - Please read below for the several important events coming up in February and March


What does Lent, Live Music, Sips, and Books have to do with each other...?

On Wednesday, February 23rd at 7:00pm, support the Evensong gals by coming for nibbles and a glass of wine while hearing them perform live. Then enjoy a brief lecture on Lent from Professor Brad Jersak with lively Q&A. Before and after the lecture, we’ll also be celebrating the arrival of Carson’s new book, Wake Up Into My Love.

7:00-7:30pm // wine & apps & music

7:30-8:05pm // lecture

8:05-8:30pm // more apps & books & chatting & music

Evensong singers needed

Wanting a happy pick-me-up a few times a month? Love to sing? We need mature singers to balance out our wonderful youthful vibe. If you loved singing at one point in your life, and can follow music, we are looking to expand our Evensong choir by even a few singers. We sing our Evensong Service (30 min) on the last Sunday of the month (with the a rehearsal and dinner in Leavenworth the Friday a few days prior) plus a few other optional rehearsals in the month. Please consider it! Singing (especially low commitment singing) = joy! Reach out to Julie Canlis at 206.953.4128


Home Groups Starting this March

Home Groups with Pastor John Mark Comer

6-week Home Groups begin this Spring and guide us through Lent with a video by John Mark Comer about Jesus, Desire & Fasting, followed by simple good food and discussion. We are hoping almost everyone at Trinity gets involved! And there are two ways to participate: either as a Host, or as a Guest. Hosts are people willing to open their home, backyard, or zoom page to welcome others to watch a video, enjoy discussion, and eat food. You pick the place and time (90 minutes), and the church will match you with guests who either live near you, or can accommodate the time you’ve chosen. Hosts can also choose a topic/course other than John Mark Comer - just call Pastor Matt to brainstorm at 206.953.4129 Guests are people at Trinity Church who have been at Trinity for many years or just a few Sundays. Guests can also be neighbors who hosts invite on their own. Guests need to register by clicking the button below and selecting how many people are in your family or party. Week 1 begins Monday March 7. Week 6 ends Saturday April 23. Again, Hosts choose the day/night, time and place of their gathering. Many of us are feeling disconnected for all sorts of reasons. Let's pray the LORD keeps teaching us what it means to be face to face with Him, our neighbors, and ourselves in Christ! Father Matt


Upcoming Events

Congregational Meeting

Sunday, February 20th @ 11:15am

--> but also an abbreviated one after the early service

Lent Lecture / Evensong Fundraiser / Carson Book Launch

Wednesday, February 23rd @ 7:00pm

Bishop Ken & Confirmation Service

Sunday, February 27th (Details TBD)

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Fundraiser for Evensong Pilgrimage

Tuesday, March 1st (Details TBD)

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday, March 2nd @ 7:00pm

Reconnect Marriage Workshop

March 11-12 (Friday night to Saturday afternoon)

--> Registration and details coming soon


Key Info for Church this Winter

Our services are at 8:30am and 9:45am.

- Live stream our 9:45am services HERE - Watch past services on YouTube - Listen to Sermon audio


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