Dear Trinity...
This Saturday is Darkest Night at 7pm. What is a “Darkest Night” Service? Held on the darkest night of the year (Dec 21), this evening provides an opportunity for lament and healing during a time of the year that can be very hard. With prayer, Scripture and music, we acknowledge that Advent begins in the dark and that it is at the point of deepest darkness that things come to life and are reborn.
Then on Monday the 23rd, the Prayer Vigil begins at 7:30pm with centering prayer. Get your heart ready for Christ’s coming by joining the prayer vigil leading up to Christmas. A sacred space in the church will be staffed around the clock by hosts who sit silently in it for a few hours at a time. Stop by for any length of time to rest and reflect as you set your gaze on Jesus.
And finally, on Tuesday, our Christmas Eve services are at 5pm & 11pm. If you'd like have an earlier night, and you enjoy singing along to the classic carols and hymns, the 5pm would be a good choice.
At 11pm will be our traditional (and much beloved) "Lessons & Carols" service. Trinity Church has presented this traditional King’s College Choir service to the community since 2012. It includes Scripture readings, prayers and carols sung by a choir and the congregation.
Come Caroling This Sunday

Join us after second service as we head across the street to sing carols and bring Christmas cheer to Colonial Vista. We'll all meet in the Fireside Room and head to Colonial Vista together. Let's share our anticipation of the coming Jesus with our neighbors!
Wenatchee Rescue Mission
Mugs, Donate, & Party

Trinity, this is our final Sunday to collect mugs with notes, which we will share on Monday, the 23rd. If you see a special mug that will bless someone (especially a travel mug with a lid), please bring it with a note by Sunday. We need about 40 more like-new mugs.
We will be joining the Wenatchee Rescue Mission residents for a face-to-face party on Monday, December 23rd. We will have dinner, sing songs, and play some games. Sign up below, so you will receive a text with details about our special night together.
If you’d like to donate toward two coin-operated washer/dryer sets & a new floor for the mission, you can do so by clicking here, or you can write a check and direct it to the parish fund.
May Jesus show us Himself as we give and go to this often-forgotten place.
An Advent Poem
By McAlister Buchanan
when one considers the heart
but a humble manger
one marvels that stick and straw
skin and bone
become holy ground
the human home
found suitable by [those who bore] our Savior
him to cradle
Epiphany Feast and House Blessings

Art: Eric Gill
In January, we are excited about gathering as a church to celebrate Epiphany. The 12 days of Christmas culminates with our Epiphany Feast! Join us at the Leavenworth Festhalle on January 12 at 5pm. This is one of our largest celebrations of the year, with food, song, merriment, and a Scottish Ceilidh (traditional line dancing).
An old Christian tradition celebrates Epiphany with a practice and house blessing known as Chalking the Doors. The chalk, as it slowly wears throughout the year, serves as a reminder that Christ dwells with us wherever we are, and that our home is a missionary outpost of His kingdom. The initials "C.M.B." can represent the names of the 3 Wise Men, but it also represents the Latin phrase Christus Mansionem Benedicat… "May Christ Bless This House."
One of our pastors would love to come to your house during Epiphanytide and pronounce a blessing on your home as we chalk the doors together! It's a simple, yet meaningful time of about 10-15 minutes, walking through a short liturgy, praying for the year ahead, and welcoming Christ's presence into your home.
Just click the button below to sign up. And we'll be in touch about when we can visit your home.
Year End Giving
As you reflect on year-end giving, please consider supporting the Trinity Building Fund and Trinity Parish Fund.
Trinity has set a next phase goal of raising $50,000 for the Building Fund, which includes schematic design, integrating indoor and outdoor architectural plans, roof repairs and a building inspection. Please contact Guy Evans or Matt Canlis if you have questions.
Trinity has also set a goal of raising $16,000 for the Wenatchee Rescue Mission through the Trinity Parish Fund. These funds will be used to purchase commercial, coin-operated washer and dryer units and install new flooring in sections of the building. Please contact Nicole Hunter if you have questions.
Note: Be sure to select the Building Fund and/or Parish Fund as you donate via the Church website.
Upcoming Events
December 21 @ 7pm: Darkest Night Service
December 22 After Second Service: Caroling at Colonial Vista
December 23 @ 6pm: Wenatchee Rescue Mission Dinner
(Meet at 5:20 at Trinity)
December 23-24: Advent Prayer Vigil
December 24 @ 5pm & 11pm: Christmas Eve Services
January 12: Indoor Baptism
January 12 @ 5pm: Epiphany Feast at Festhalle in Leavenworth
Bulletin Board
Our bulletin board is a place where you can express a need to our church body (ex: housing, items needed, jobs wanted, etc.) so that others can reach out and respond. Have a submission? Please email hello@trinitywenatchee.org for us to review.
Lauren and Carson welcomed Elliot George Leith on Tuesday, December 10 at 4:18pm. Lauren and Elliot are both doing well! Let's shower them with the gift of food while they transition into being a family of six. Sign up for the meal train here.