7 Sayings of Jesus - Artwork by Scott Erickson
This Lent: Come Closer
6:30pm - Family Service 7:30pm - Julie Canlis Lent Lecture & Service
Lenten Small Groups
Men’s Groups Host Tues 6:30am Carson Leith Tues 7:30pm Steve Voorhies Wed 12 Noon Mike Andreini Thurs 7:30pm Guy Evans Fri 6:30am Chris Millheisler (CoC) Women’s Groups Mon 10:00am Claudia Wiggins Mon 7:30pm Amanda Millheisler (CoC) Tues 3:00pm Jenny Eberth Tues 7:30pm Sara Zelaya Wed 12 noon Sarah Duffey
Groups begin week of February 21st.
Dear Trinity Church
Lent is coming. Today I spoke with a man who described following Jesus as walking a straight and narrow path. I admired the man’s courage and faithfulness. Then I asked: “Do you think Jesus walked alone?” I could tell by the man’s silence that he was trying to imagine what it actually looked like for Jesus to walk around Palestine for 33 years.
The man was surprised and relieved to realize that not only was Jesus in constant communion with his heavenly Father, and keeping in step with the Holy Spirit, but Jesus was surrounded by his community, brothers, sisters, and friends. He spent 30 years living in the fishbowl of Nazareth, and then 3 years walking daily with his 12 closest friends.
This Lent, don’t walk alone.
Come closer to the way Jesus walked by joining one of our Lenten Small Groups. There are groups for men and women, each one about 7 people in number, and each one following a book you can read at leisure. I will be leading the first 2 weeks of the Backyard Pilgrim groups, which will then be “hosted” by a facilitator.
Chris & Amanda Millheisler will be facilitating a men’s and women’s group through The Color of Compromise. Please see the description below. The Backyard Pilgrim follows two paths for 40 days. The first path is already chosen – 40 Bible verses you read one day at a time from Genesis to John’s Gospel. The second path is one you choose – a path you commit to walking 15 minutes a day outside your workplace or backdoor. You can pick up free copies of the book at church. Then once a week the groups will meet for one hour on Zoom to reflect on the readings. Maybe by Easter we can meet face to face.
In hope, your fellow pilgrim,
Pastor Matt
PS - WBBC may be returning to their regular worship Easter Sunday. Please pray for our church to discern the most creative way to continue having two services. The Creator keeps on creating - and we will keep on following wherever His narrow but creative path leads . . .
PPS - You can still book a time with me for 30 minutes of spiritual direction
Racial Reconciliation Book Groups
Mondays 7:30pm // Fridays 6:30am
The Color of Compromise is both enlightening and compelling, telling a history we either ignore or just don't know. Equal parts painful and inspirational, it details how the American church has helped create and maintain racist ideas and practices. You will be guided in thinking through concrete solutions for improved race relations and a racially inclusive church.
The Color of Compromise is not a call to shame or a platform to blame white evangelical Christians. It's a call from a place of love and desire to fight for a more racially unified church that no longer compromises what the Bible teaches about human dignity & equality. A call that challenges black & white Christians alike to standup now and begin implementing the concrete ways Tisby outlines, all for a more equitable and inclusive environment among God's people.