Dear Trinity,
Our communal journey toward Easter has begun! If you need some guidance on a way to frame Lent, and how you might enter the season, check out our Ash Wednesday service and listen to the opening words, as well as the homily around minute 18.
I also encourage you to check out the 3 Lenten ways to walk and pray in community (re-posted below from last week), as well as the Lenten family resources from Julia Barger.
In other news . . . many of us are looking forward to the Jon Guerra concert THIS SUNDAY evening at 6pm! Are you coming? There's 70 seats left.
With you on the Lenten journey of transformation,
3 LENTEN WAYS to Walk and Pray in Community . . .
Morning Prayer: For the next 5 Wednesday mornings at 7:15am, the church will be open for those who want to join as a community in the Lenten Prayer Liturgy. Copies of the liturgy are available at church.
Backyard Pilgrim for Men: Fr. Matt is leading a 6-week group for men that will journey through his book "Backyard Pilgrim: 40 Days at Godspeed." Time: 5-6pm at church, starting this Sun, Feb 25.
Midrash & Prayer: Our weekly Midrash & Prayer starts back up tonight (Wed, Feb 21 @ 7pm).
Family Candle Activity - A Lenten practice with candles and devotions -
Lenten breath prayers (on the family resource table)
Celebration of Alissa Diehl
Saturday, March 2 @ 1pm

The celebration of our beautiful daughter Alissa will be held on Saturday, March 2nd @ 1pm at Sage Hills Church. Gifts in lieu of flowers can be given to Life Choices Wenatchee, Corner of Love (a ministry to Nicaraguan refugees), or Trinity Church.
Bulletin Board
If you have a personal need (like a job, or housing, etc.), an event you’d like to promote, or something you’d like our church body to be aware of, you can email hello@trinitywenatchee.org for us to review before posting.
Are you looking for immediate part-time work and/or are you intrigued by vineyards? We could use some help pruning our vineyard. The work is repetitive but satisfying, easy to learn, and doesn't require any use of ladders. We pay $18-20 per hour depending on experience, and the schedule is completely flexible. This is good work for anyone 18 or older who likes to work alone outdoors and my have a complicated life schedule to maneuver around. We can also hire teams of people who like to work together. If you fine that you really enjoy working with the vines, you are welcome to stay on for more of the season and can learn additional viticulture skills. Please contact Rachel Whitson at 509-885-6917 if you are interested or have questions!
Mission Possible, an evening with Tim Tebow, a fundraiser for Life Choices, will be at the Toyota Town Center on May 17th. Get more information here. All tickets are available now. There is an opportunity for free student tickets (Grade 10-12) for the youth group kids along with 1-2 chaperones. If any of the youth would be interested in volunteering or attending, please contact Crystal Sill at 509-881-4542.
Kelsee Drain is hosting a homeschooling Q&A discussion night for all those interested in homeschooling or are currently homeschooling. Gather at her home on Thursday, February 29th at 6:30. Light snacks provided. Message her for details: 509-607-0785.
Love & Logic is Coming to the Upper Valley! Register now for your spot in this five week course hosted by the Upper Valley Early Learning Coalition (an informal group of early learning professionals from Mountain Sprouts, Cascade School District, and the Chelan Douglas Child Services Association) What: A 5-week course working through Love & Logic for Parents - a research backed approach to raising children. This course is specifically designed for families with children birth - six. Childcare will be provided in the adjoining room. TBD if food will be provided as well. Where: Cascade Kodiaks classroom, rm 108, at Icicle River Middle School. Cost: $10 for the take-home materials. Scholarships are available. Please email Hannah Pick at hannah@mtnsprouts.org for more information or register at www.mtnsprouts.org/store