Epiphany Feast on Fri, January 6
By Tim Dillman, Epiphany Feast Leader

I recall the first year that our family participated in the Christmas season with the people of Trinity Church. At the Episcopal church we attended during our stint in southern California we had experienced a conscious observation of Advent for the first time in our faith journey, but we had not taken part in the extended observation of the twelve days of Christmas culminating in the celebration of Epiphany. This new experience of camping out longer in the miracle of the incarnation, figuratively following the journey of the various gospel players on their journey to Bethlehem, was profound for me and helped me transcend the flash-in-the-pan excitement that our culture’s typical celebration of Christmas usually brings. The twelve days of Christmas invites us into a new type of waiting that is different from the hopeful longing of Advent. During this post-Christmas season we cease waiting for… and instead we wait to… We wait to step into a new year. We wait to take down the lights. We wait to throw out the tree. We wait to move on to yet another season of busyness. We wait, and we celebrate that we have found all we need at the manger and there’s no rush to move on from that discovery. I’m excited that this year our church, once more, gets to mark the culmination of the Christmas season with our Epiphany Feast. While it is not an observation that gets a lot of recognition in America, around the world Christians have celebrated Epiphany (or Three Kings Day) for centuries with feasts and parties that commemorate the arrival of the Magi, Jesus’ baptism, and the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. Underpinning it all is the joyful recognition that God’s mission is to everyone, and like Simeon, we have “seen his salvation, which he has prepared for all people. He is a light to reveal God to the nations” (Luke 2:30-32) Next Friday, January 6th at 6:00pm I hope you will be able to join us at the Cashmere Riverside Center. Please RSVP by this Sunday evening. And come prepared for a party! The church will provide the main dish, dessert, and general beverages. We’re asking each family to bring a side dish that will feed 6-10, and beer or wine if desired. There will be a light program for the evening and following tradition, the night will culminate with Scottish line dancing, with lessons from a local teacher preceding the general dance. I hope that you will find this to be a joy-filled night that helps you wait a little longer as you treasure the blessings of Christmas. - Tim Dillman
Small groups - Interested in leading a group?
We will be starting several small groups this January on various topics. Interested in leading one? Reach out to Carson at carson@trinitywenatchee.org or 509-881-7737 to talk about your idea.
On the topic of small groups, our friends at Christ Church (Austin, TX) have asked if we could beta test a 6-week curriculum on Justice & Mercy (as part of a wider initiative called Matthew 25) that will eventually be made available to all parishes in the ACNA. Their hope is that this content might contribute to Anglican parishes looking more like Jesus, being Jesus, and encountering Jesus. There is leader training, a complete curriculum and a facilitation guide available. If you’re interested in potentially leading this kind of group, reach out to Carson at carson@trinitywenatchee.org or 509-881-7737.
The 12 Days of Christmas

Dear Trinity Church,
We have journeyed through the long dark season of Advent to get ready for the Mystery of Christmas. And now Christmas is here! Jesus comes to us as a baby. The light has come. This is so great a mystery we can’t possibly enter it in one short day. Again, the church comes to the rescue with an entire season to enter the mystery. The 12 days of Christmas (aka Christmastide) end with Epiphany, the day we remember the visit of the Magi - can you say HUGE FEAST! Below you find a few links to help you remain present to this time of wonder, miracles and joy. Blessings!
Julia Barger, Trinity Children's Director
The cultivating project - books, poetry and lovely resources
Seedbed - a helpful explanation of Christmastide
Sacred Ordinary Days - just tons of resources here!!
More and more and more resources! - this church has wonderful page of ideas for the season.

Year End Giving Notice
Thank you for giving generously during 2022. You’ll hear a more in-depth financial update during our annual Congregational Meeting on January 22nd. But in short, as of Dec 29th, our giving is slightly behind by 5% (about $7,500). And expenses are more than anticipated by 10% (about $18,000) as we take on startup costs for owning the building, as well as increased ministry costs for a growing church.
In order to be on track for our income projections, we need to bring in $45,000 in December, which is 50% more than a normal month's giving. As of December 22nd, we need about $8,300 to meet our budget goal for the end of 2022.
During this month, we ask you to help us finish the calendar year strong with a year-end gift. Whether this would be your first time giving to Trinity or you are a committed giver already…thank you.
In order for your gift to count in 2022 for tax deduction purposes, please make sure we receive it on or before December 31.
How do I give?
Online giving. This method is convenient and secure, and can be accessed through trinitywenatchee.org/give or the Church Center App (Apple and Android Devices) **The most convenient and cost-effective way to give is to set up a recurring donation through ACH from your bank account.
Mail. You can also mail checks, or set up automatic bill pay, to “Trinity Church, 535 Okanogan Avenue, Wenatchee, WA 98801. (Postmarked by Dec 31)
Offertory basket. On Sundays, you can give by placing a tithe in the offertory basket at the entrance to the sanctuary.
We will have all the budget details for you at our Annual Meeting on January 22nd, and more detailed financial information is always available if you'd like to see it.
Sunday School Volunteers Needed

Our church is growing and we have many new children joining our Sunday School classes in January. What I love about our program is that it disciples and encourages the volunteers as much as the children.
If you are interested in learning more about the Sunday School team please contact Julia@trinitywenatchee.org or 509 630 2456. You can also find out more information on the website here.
Trinity Missions Meeting
Thursday, January 5 @ 6:15pm

Trinity's Missions Group will be meeting regularly on the first Thursday of every month. Our next meeting will be Thursday, January 5 at 6:15pm at Trinity Church in the office. Please join us as you are able.
Key Info for Church this Winter
Our services are at 8:30am and 9:45am.
- Live stream our 9:45am services HERE - Watch past services on YouTube - Listen to Sermon audio