Dear Trinity Church,

I think many of you saw by the look of my face (on Zoom) how much I enjoyed joining in the launch of the Backyard Pilgrim and Color of Compromise small groups last week. Thank you, participants and hosts, for helping our congregation draw closer together!
This week please note the spiritual direction I am offering Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays below.
What is spiritual direction? It might be more accurate to call it spiritual listening. What happens before we meet is that I ask the Holy Spirit to help me be a good listener. Then I ask you a simple question: what do you want to talk about? It can be a question you have, a challenge you are facing, a dream or story you want to share to ponder together. The half hour time ends in prayer.
It’s that simple, and less scary, and more healing than you might think.
Listening with you this Lent,
Pastor Matt
p.s. - Bishop Ken recently sent the pastors in the Diocese a note about Lent, and I wanted to share an excerpt to encourage you to keep making room for Christ this Lent...
Greetings in this Lenten season – that follows a long season that has felt like Lent – so much has been given up. However, Lent is not about giving things up – but it is about creating more space for Jesus in our lives; it is an invitation deeper into the life of Jesus, deeper into the Kingdom – and we see our need, but we also see how much deeper His rescue is than our need.