Dear Trinity Church, In two weeks, eight people from Trinity Church fly to Wellspring Church in Denver (pictured above) for our annual diocese meeting. What is a Diocese Meeting? If you're new to Anglicanism, as most of us are at Trinity, Fr. Billy Waters (Wellspring's lead pastor) wrote this helpful description of what this gathering is: Every year our Diocese assembles for the annual Synod at the beginning of February. Some may ask: ‘What is a Synod?’ and ‘What is Diocese?’ A Diocese is simply a region under the pastoral care of a Bishop. Our Diocese, composed of about 35 congregations, is overseen by Bishop Ken Ross. A Synod is a gathering of clergy and laity from within the Diocese. Simply put, a Diocesan Synod is a gathering of churches under our Bishop’s care and leadership. Every year, the Rocky Mountain Diocese hosts a wonderful gathering in Colorado that allows members of our congregation to have a small taste of the worldwide Anglican Church. From workshops to worship, to meals together and new relationships, it is something you all should consider attending one of these years! This year, the meeting is going to focus on the Holy Spirit, and will gather together priests and congregational members from Hawaii to Colorado. Please click the button below to see the faces and meet some of the people who lead our Rocky Mountain Diocese and need your prayers!
Always learning,
Father Matt
p.s. - if you're relatively new to our church, there are 4 spots that just opened up for our newcomers dinner on Friday, February 4th. Sign up here!
Sunday School for Kids Begins This Sunday
Sunday School will be offered at BOTH services!
8:30 am >> REGISTER Godly Play - PK - 5th grade (one class) No nursery at this time. 9:45 am >> REGISTER Nursery (1-2 year olds) & Trinity Littles (3 & 4 year olds) - NO REGISTRATION NEEDED - Parents need to sign their young children into Nursery & Trinity Littles (meeting in the library). Sunday School Godly Play I - PK4 & K Godly Play II - 1st & 2nd grade Godly Play III - 3rd & 4th grade Beatitude Kids - 5th & 6th grade Godly Play & Beatitude Kids will be dismissed after Confession and meet their teachers in the Narthex. They will return in time for Communion. You may sign up your children for Sunday School at either service time, whether you plan to attend church at that time or not. Coffee and Tea will be served after the 8:30am service. Parents and guardians are always welcome to visit our classes! Please register your children for Godly Play & Beatitude Kids at the service time they will be attending Sunday School TODAY. If you have any questions please contact Julia Barger. PS - We are looking for a few more helpers in Nursery and Trinity Littles. If you would like to help, please contact Julia Barger or Sarah Duffey.
Evensong This Sunday at 6pm
An evening of youth and adults gathering for intergenerational connection in Jesus.
6:00pm - Evensong. All generations invited to join our youth as they offer up songs, chants and Scripture readings in a time of restful worship
6:30pm - Bedtime Stories: Stan Simmons's Testimony
7:00-8:00pm – Youth Pizza (9th-12th grade)
Key Info for Church this Winter
Our services are at 8:30am and 9:45am.
- Listen to Sermon audio