To the faithful church at Trinity, from Kay, your sister and fellow sojourner in Christ, newly released from six long months in exile after a declaration of complete remission from cancer. Grace, mercy, and peace to you!
I am closing this challenging season of medical treatment and isolation with thanksgiving, first to our loving God, our Redeemer, Savior, Healer, Cleanser, Counselor and Guide, our Source, our Strength, and our Life.
Praise his holy name! The Holy Spirit has been my faithful and ever-present help each day, holding me, leading me, speaking life, and shining his light in the darkness to show me the way. There have been ups and downs – infusion mistakes, my neighbor’s death, sending me into a downward spiral over the specter and always shocking reality of death, including my own, waiting for me out there somewhere. But God has seen me through each step of the way. In the same way, he is there with you and in you, faithful and true, to see you through whatever life throws at you. Second, abundant thanksgiving to you, my church family, for standing with me and kneeling with me, believing when I doubted, speaking peace when I feared, steadying me when I faltered. Thank you for the thoughts, prayers, calls, emails and texts, and the gifts and cards, encouraging me and giving me a lift with each one. I even had carolers at Christmastime! YOU have been faithful and true! A special thankyou to Jeremy and his devoted crew in the sound booth for the hours of setting up equipment and monitoring it each week to provide a livestream for those of us at home. It has been a lifeline. Having walked through this challenge, I testify to God’s faithfulness in trying times to open our eyes to the goodness, beauty, and blessing he pours out on us daily, and the gift of each new day, alive with possibilities for growth and eye-opening wonder. No opportunity is wasted. He has taught me compassion through suffering, to savor each new day, and to trust in the One who calls himself the God of lovingkindness and compassion. And you have taught me what loving care looks like – a model and inspiration to me. I look forward to a joyous reunion and homecoming this Sunday. Can’t wait to see your shining faces! In the love of Christ, blessings to you all. Kay Andreini
“For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, fear not, I am the one who helps you” (Isaiah 41:13).
Key Info for Church this Spring
Our services are at 8:30am and 9:45am.
- Live stream our 9:45am services HERE - Watch past services on YouTube - Listen to Sermon audio