Fenced play area taking shape for this weekend! (More to be added in coming weeks)
Dear Trinity,
Your children’s team has been hard at work updating our program to meet the needs of our growing church!
Amanda Millheisler (our amazing Nursery Coordinator) has transformed the room next to the nursery into a wonderful space for 3 & 4 year olds. Thanks, Jayna Tomalty for great toy recommendations and Hannah Pick for your donations.
Parents will sign in and pick up their children at the room doors.
Here are the two childcare options during the sermon:
Nursery - 1 & 2 year olds
Preschool - 3 & 4 year olds
Volunteers needed! Nursery and Godly Play need more people on their teams. Please contact Amanda Millheisler, Kelsee Drain, or Julia Barger if you are interest in learning more about serving children at Trinity Church.
Godly Play
We are so excited to welcome Kelsee Drain as our new Godly Play Director. We are preparing for a wonderful Fall program starting after Church Camp.
Summer Godly Play
Our first class is this Sunday (7/14) for ages 5 - 10. We will meet downstairs for five Sundays to learn about The Lord’s Prayer. No registration needed. We will need 2 -3 parent helpers each Sunday while the Godly Play team takes their much deserved break.
Parents, we heard you! Nicole Hunter and Mike Andreini have been making a safe place for children to play after the service in the yard behind the WBBC offices. A refreshment table will be available.
****Parents, please plan to supervise your children while they play.****
Worship in the Parish

We hope you had a wonderful time worshiping with our brothers and sisters throughout the parish last Sunday. When we join together this coming weekend, we encourage you to share with one another what you experienced and your favorite things about the church you visited. We will be giving time for just a few people to share their experiences with the congregation and we pray you are encouraged by what God is doing in the Valley.
George MacDonald Bookclub

Dear Trinity,
One month ago, I was in Wheaton at the four-day George MacDonald birthday bash with poetry, theatre, lectures, shared meals, rare book displays, concerts, and more. You would have loved it. My highlights were the concert featuring music composed to George MacDonald’s (endless) poems, the Malcolm Guite lecture on MacDonald, and Chapman starring as the gangly prince in the Light Princess. Here is the paper that I gave called “Throwing Pebbles at Granny: George MacDonald on Calvinism and Soul-Schism.”
I called it “Throwing Pebbles at Granny” which is a play on that spectacular scene in the book that we at Trinity are reading together, Robert Falconer. If you haven’t started, please join us – our gathering is the last Sunday of July. Here is the link to the book or to the free audiobook (best if you download the phone app). Robert Falconer is the most beloved novel by MacDonald, as well as the most autobiographical, where we are given a sneak peak into a boyhood very similar to MacDonald’s. In one scene, a very (Federal) Calvinist grandmother burns her grandson’s violin because it was leading him into pleasure and delight. The similarities are striking: it was MacDonald’s own Grandmother (who helped raise him after his mother’s death) who burned not MacDonald’s, but his father’s violin, in his father’s childhood. And yet … MacDonald does not condemn her, but sees her as stunted by her own impoverished theology. He urges us to see her as a whole, though wrong-headed, person who is still characterized by generosity. My title (above) plays on MacDonald’s self-declared ambition to not throw stones at others, even others who are spectacularly wrong. This gives you a small insight into the beauty of this novel, and I urge you to read it and join us – having read it or (shhhh – not read yet!)
Looking forward to reading and discussing with you! Julie
Evensong 2024-2025

While Evensong takes a break for the summer, we're scheming and dreaming about next year's ensemble. Are you interested in singing with us for the 2024 - 2025 season September through June? We are in need of committed, musical women to join the ensemble.
We typically practice once a month for the monthly service so some ability to read music and ensemble experience is helpful. If you are interested in singing with us, please let me know so that I can follow up with more details. Call/text: (206)354-2947.
-Hannah Pick
We're Hiring!
Newcomers and Teams Lead
Deadline for Application: July 12

With our growing church, we have needed a growing staff to care for and nurture the good people and good things happening here at Trinity. Want to join our team? We are hiring for a new position - Newcomers and Teams Lead.
The Newcomers & Teams Lead will be responsible for the first 6 months of a person’s journey here at Trinity. In addition to this, they will oversee some of our ministry team leads and volunteers.
Are you gifted at welcoming newcomers (not just at Day 1, but for the first 6 months)?
Do you have a vision for how this could be improved at Trinity?
Do you enjoy seeing teams and leaders operate effectively, and are you willing to actively recruit for open spots in ministry teams?
Interested in this job? Or know someone?
Reach out to Guy Evans: guy@trinitywenatchee.org or 509-670-3608.

Summer at a Glance
June 23 - Aug 18 - ONE Service for the Summer at 9am
July 28 @ 6:45pm - George MacDonald Book Club
Aug 11 @ 10:30am - Baptism Sunday at Ingalls Creek Interested in being baptized? Contact one of our pastors, Matt: 206-953-4129 ... or Carson: 509-881-7737
Aug 25 - Resume two services at 8:30 & 9:45am
Aug 25 - Congregational Meeting
Sept 6-8 - Church Camp at Tall Timber
Bulletin Board
If you have a personal need (like a job, or housing, etc.), an event you’d like to promote, or something you’d like our church body to be aware of, you can email hello@trinitywenatchee.org for us to review before posting.
Are you a Shakespeare fan? Caleb and Josiah Kellogg will be preforming in A Midsummer Night's Dream with the Short Shakespeareans youth theater company and would love to see you in the audience! Performances are July 31-August 3 and you can purchase tickets here.
Advanced Home Health & Hospice could use a few volunteers, individuals who could sit with hospice patients to talk to them, read to them, and simply keep them company. If interested, please contact David Kopp at 509-415-5603 or djameskopp@icloud.com
There are new updates to Jill Gentry's health journey at her Go Fund Me. Included there is the opportunity to give financially. The Gentrys have reached a point where financial assistance would help keep all the paths toward healing through traditional or alternative medical care open.
Trinity families, are you looking for fun places to play this summer? Mountain Sprouts Children's Community, nature-based program in Leavenworth, has open play every Friday morning in the 'backyard' (outdoor play area behind the preschool barn) from 9am - 12pm through August 16. The environment is best suited for toddler & preschool age kids, but older/younger siblings are welcome to join in play. No registration or payment required, no affiliation with Mountain Sprouts is necessary. Questions? visit mtnsprouts.org/seedlings or contact Hannah Pick: hannah@mtnsprouts.org