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Spring Launch



  • This Sunday after services // Congregational Meeting

  • Wed, FEB 23 @ 7pm // (Loaded) Lent Lecture (RSVP)

  • Sun, FEB 27 @ services // Bishop Ken at Trinity

  • Sun, FEB 27 @ 6pm // Confirmation with Bishop Ken

  • Tue, MAR 1 @ 5:30pm // Shrove Tuesday Pancakes (RSVP)

  • Wed, MAR 2 @ 7pm // Ash Wednesday

  • Starting Sun, MAR 6 // Lenten Home Groups (JOIN)

  • MARCH 11-12 // Reconnect Marriage Workshop (REGISTER)

Lent Lecture (plus Food, Fundraiser, Book Launch, and Babysitting!)

Dear Trinity, Do you know how to prepare for Lent? We get to prepare in our minds and in our bodies. Why? Because we are whole people, and we need to prepare for the Lord’s coming with our whole selves. This is why ancient Christians couldn’t conceive of preparing for something like Easter without bringing their bodies along. They couldn’t just do it in their minds. Nor could they do it alone: they did it as a community – engaging heart, soul, mind, strength. So in that vein ... ... this Wednesday, COME JOIN US and -7:00pm Eat fabulous appetizers, drink delicious beverages, enjoy live instrumental music, talk with friends old and new - and pick up your copy of Carson’s book just released! -7:30pm LISTEN TO A LENT LECTURE with Canadian Professor, Brad Jersak who will speak to us for 35 minutes by Zoom (drat covid border regulations!) -8:00pm+ ask live Q&A questions, eat more, let your hair down, have fun, and prepare ye the way of the Lord (cue Godspell music here! Support the Evensong gals with a donation – they leave in four months! They need your help! And they will be greeting you at the door, offering babysitting, serving apps, and more. WHO IS BRAD JERSAK? He is the “Professor of Theology & Culture” at St Stephens University and we have snagged him for a lecture to help us get ready for Lent and understand how it can impact us. We are grateful for the gift of the CICW Grant that is helping us invite Brad!


Lenten Supper Groups Start in March

6-week Home Groups begin this Spring and guide us through Lent with a video by John Mark Comer about Jesus, Desire & Fasting, followed by simple good food and discussion. Participants watch the video beforehand and come to the home group for food and conversation. Starting the week of March 6 ending the week of April 10.


Reconnect Marriage Workshop (+ Babysitting!)

Sometimes we feel stuck in our marriage relationship. But often, lasting change comes from a slight degree shift in our marriage dynamic. Just a slight shift! A new insight, a new awareness, or a new understanding can provide a subtle shift that leads to profound change over the course of our life together.

Dr. Steve and Lisa Call designed and now facilitate Reconnect Marriage Workshops, which invite conversations that promote insight, understanding, and healing in your marriage relationship. And they are bringing this workshop to us at Trinity Church!

Steve and Lisa are speaking at a different retreat a couple months after ours, and the tickets are nearly $5,000. But out of a desire to offer this workshop to as many couples as possible, we are making it available at just $75 per couple. That's for Friday night and Saturday from 8:30am - 2:30pm. Included in this ticket price is delicious snacks on Friday nights, a coffee bar on Saturday morning, and a freshly prepared lunch Saturday midday. Not only that, but childcare will be offered on-site (by donation) for those that need it. Your excuses are running low!

Registration is now OPEN for the Reconnect Marriage Workshop. And we believe it's going to be the best $75 you've ever spent. You can register today by clicking the blue button below. Don't wait! Experience hope and delight in the connection that God designed for your marriage.


5:30-6:00pm Arrive/Check in

6:00-8:30pm Session #1 Designed For Connection


8:30-9:00am Coffee Bar

9:00-10:30 Session #2 Disconnection: Hidden Hurt (Gen 3)

10:30-10:45 Break

10:45-12:30 Session #3 Disconnection: The Battle of Shame

12:30-1:15 Lunch

1:15-2:30 Session #4 Reconnection: The Essentials of (Re)Connection


More Details on Upcoming Events

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Fundraiser for Evensong Pilgrimage

Tuesday, March 1 @ 5:30pm

Trinity Church used to do pancake feed on Shrove Tuesday (Fat Tuesday) every year. We're bringing it back! Bring the whole family to this pancake fundraiser in support of the Evensong pilgrimage. An evening of fellowship, entertainment, and food... Rolling buffet by donation between 5:30-7pm.


Key Info for Church this Winter

Our services are at 8:30am and 9:45am.

Live stream our 9:45am services HERE Watch past services on YouTube Listen to Sermon audio



(509) 888-2957

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Trinity Church is part of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains. For more information about our tradition, click here.

© Trinity Church

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