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  • Julia Barger

Spiritual Direction for Children

Dear Trinity Family,

It was wonderful to return to our Godly Play classrooms on Sunday. Children sat around stories like The Tabernacle; Jesus healing the paralytic; and The Ascension. We are delighted to have a full class of "littles" in the library acting out Scripture stories and the liturgy. The 8:30am Godly Play class is a special group of diverse ages - truly a one-room schoolhouse! We are grateful for God's kindness in providing a place to "Come and See" His Word. I am also encouraged by many new volunteers in the Nursery, Trinity Littles and Godly Play. Thank you!

Last Fall, I completed an online course called Spiritual Direction for Children. In this method of spiritual formation, children meet with a director for Holy Listening, "a period of time set apart for the adult and the child to listen to the life of the child, discerning where God has been showing up." We wonder when the child has felt close to God asking, "Would you like to tell me about a time when you and God did something together?" We look for moments of truth, beauty and goodness where the Trinity reminds us we belong in a loving community. The director helps the child recognize and respond to the Divine Invitation of "becoming awake to God, to their own belovedness, and the belovedness of others." This is a child's lifelong journey into the heart of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And we are all children of God!

During Holy Listening we use a variety of tools. Stones with shapes, wonder questions, art supplies, books, prayer beads and finger labyrinths can help the child express what is deep in their heart. During the 30 minute session, the child is often still, silent and focused. Like in Godly Play, the director provides hospitality for the child to hear the Holy Spirit. Directors listen, ask questions, and experience God's loving presence with the child. They also provide agency, allowing the child to begin and end the session and choose the tools they would like to work with. The session ends with prayer, both talking to and listening to the Lord.

I am privileged to meet with children and believe the Lord uses Holy Listening to open children's eyes, ears and hearts to His presence in their lives (and me too!). I encourage you to stop by the special space in the room across from the Trinity Office. If you have a child ages 5 -12 who would like to meet for Holy Listening, please contact me for more information and to schedule a time (usually once a month).

Peace of Christ,

Julia Barger

Quotes from "Spiritual Conversations with Children" by Lacy Finn Borgo.


Home Groups Starting this March

Home Groups with Pastor John Mark Comer

6-week Home Groups begin this Spring and guide us through Lent with a video by John Mark Comer about Jesus, Desire & Fasting, followed by simple good food and discussion. We are hoping almost everyone at Trinity gets involved, and there are 2 ways to participate: either as a Host, or as a Guest. Hosts are people willing to open their home, backyard, or zoom page to welcome others to watch a video, enjoy discussion, and eat food. You pick the place and time (90 minutes), and the church will match you with guests who either live near you, or can accommodate the time you’ve chosen. Hosts can also choose a topic/course other than John Mark Comer - just call Pastor Matt to brainstorm at 206.953.4129 Guests are people at Trinity Church who have been at Trinity for many years or just a few Sundays. Guests can also be neighbors who hosts invite on their own. Guests need to register by clicking the button below and selecting how many people are in your family or party. Week 1 begins Monday March 7. Week 6 ends Saturday April 23. Again, Hosts choose the day/night, time and place of their gathering. Many of us are feeling disconnected for all sorts of reasons. Let's pray the LORD keeps teaching us what it means to be face to face with Him, our neighbors, and ourselves in Christ! Father Matt


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