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  • Trinity Church

Something is happening at Trinity Church

Something is happening at Trinity Church

that is helping us rediscover our mission.

In ways nobody expected, the virus is bringing us  c l o s e r

to God, our neighbors, and ourselves in Christ.

I see it in Charlie Atkinson’s small group pooling resources together

to help a neighboring family receive food and find a new home.

I see it in Alan Groff standing for 6 hours in the sun removing

graffiti from the church wall.

I see it in the eyes of our youth, peering through tinted windows at drive-thru church, longing to see my face, longing to see each other's, wearily grateful we are not meeting on Zoom.

I see it in the disappointment single people rightly show when they drive away from church, communion bag in hand, knowing they must ‘celebrate’ communion alone.

I see it in the home of Greg & Joyce Callsvik, where Greg is fighting cancer, when Joyce asks me to remove my mask.  I’ve been talking about receiving two gifts Jesus gives: the gift of peace, and the gift of grief.

But words are not enough. They need to see my face.  

Trinity Church family, what is God helping you face?

To bring you closer to him, to your neighbors, and to your true self in Christ?

At Pilgrimage Church this Sunday, you will receive a gift.

It is a gift to remind us who it is that keeps us connected,

despite all the separation we face.

As Paul wrote the first Christians in Romans 8:38, “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else that is in all creation, will be able to separate us (even at 6 feet of distance) from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

For now we see through a glass darkly,

but one day we shall see face to face.

Yours in Christ,

Father Matt


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