Epiphany Feast
January 12 @ 5pm at Leavenworth Festhalle

Art: Eric Gill
Dear Trinity...
In January, we are excited about gathering as a church to celebrate Epiphany. The 12 days of Christmas culminates with our Epiphany Feast! This is one of our largest celebrations of the year, with food, song, merriment, and a Scottish Ceilidh (traditional line dancing).
Would you join us?
Epiphany House Blessings

An old Christian tradition celebrates Epiphany with a practice and house blessing known as Chalking the Doors. The chalk, as it slowly wears throughout the year, serves as a reminder that Christ dwells with us wherever we are, and that our home is a missionary outpost of His kingdom. The initials "C.M.B." can represent the names of the 3 Wise Men, but it also represents the Latin phrase Christus Mansionem Benedicat… "May Christ Bless This House."
For several years now on Epiphany (Jan 6th) we've given out pieces of chalk and short instructions for how to do this yourself.
But last year, we started a new tradition! You can request that one of our pastors come to your house during Epiphanytide and pronounce a blessing on your home as we chalk the doors together! It's a simple, yet meaningful time of about 10-15 minutes, walking through a short liturgy, praying for the year ahead, and welcoming Christ's presence into your home.
Just click the button below to sign up. And we'll be in touch about when we can visit your home.
May Christ bless your home in 2025!
Christ Candles this Sunday

Join us after second service to put together the final piece of our advent wreaths - the Christ candle. There will be two options of candle making craft for younger kids and older kids (or kids at heart). If you're able, please bring any old scissors to donate to Godly Play this Sunday for making candles.
Christmas Prayer Vigil
December 23-24

Every Advent, Trinity holds a vigil in the upstairs prayer room. We wait for the coming Christ. Vigil periods range from one to two hours and offer a time of pre-Christmas quiet reflection.
What might you do during your hour? Here are some ideas:
Drink tea (tea station provided!)
Notice feelings and write or draw about them (art supplies provided!)
Practice contemplative prayer (Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina, etc.)
Nap (prayer cushions make good pillows!)
Sing, chant, or play an instrument (no one will hear!)
Meditate on the Lord’s Prayer (Thy will Lord, not mine!)
Write a personal prayer liturgy for the next season of life (liturgy hand-out provided)
This year, the vigil begins at 7:30 pm on December 23rd with group Centering Prayer. Individual prayer periods follow through the night and into the next day.
Consider signing up for an hour or more.
Merton scholar, James Finley, invites us to practice a daily "rendezvous with God”. This Advent, consider spending one of your rendezvous at the Trinity Advent Prayer Vigil.
Wenatchee Rescue Mission

Trinity, look! Our mugs and notes are growing!
December 15 & 22 - Bring a Mug. Write a Note.
At the party, each person staying at WRM will be invited to choose and keep a special mug from the ones we collect. Thank you for continuing to bring mugs! They’re beautiful! We’re hoping for 150 and encouraging notes to go with. Get some note writing help here.
Thru December 31 - Donate to Trinity Parish Fund.
Wenatchee Rescue Mission would like a new dining room floor & two Commercial Washer/Dryer Sets to help the ministry.
December 23rd – Come to the Party! 6PM
With the board and staff of WRM (who will prepare and serve dinner), we will help host the evening celebration by enjoying a meal with those living at the mission.
We are going to play a game of Bingo, hand out mugs, and hopefully share God’s Love through some music. Are you interested in playing, singing, or leading a song or two? It can be serious or fun, background music or participatory… what might you bring? Sign up here
We need a head count! Sign up below or sign up at the mug & note table this Sunday. Families are welcome to attend this event. Curious about Wenatchee Rescue Mission? Click Here.
Youth Advent Night

Youth, Come gather in the dark on Sunday at the church in search of the light. We'll have some snacks by candlelight, play some night games, and end with some testimonies and prayer around a campfire. Jesus, come be the light in our darkness!
Meal Train for Leith Family
Introducing Elliot George Leith

Lauren and Carson welcomed Elliot George Leith on Tuesday at 4:18pm. They are home and doing well! Let's shower them with the gift of food while they transition into being a family of six.
Year End Giving
As you reflect on year-end giving, please consider supporting the Trinity Building Fund and Trinity Parish Fund.
Trinity has set a next phase goal of raising $50,000 for the Building Fund, which includes schematic design, integrating indoor and outdoor architectural plans, roof repairs and a building inspection. Please contact Guy Evans or Matt Canlis if you have questions.
Trinity has also set a goal of raising $16,000 for the Wenatchee Rescue Mission through the Trinity Parish Fund. These funds will be used to purchase commercial, coin-operated washer and dryer units and install new flooring in sections of the building. Please contact Nicole Hunter if you have questions.
Note: Be sure to select the Building Fund and/or Parish Fund as you donate via the Church website.
Upcoming Events
December 15: Make a Christ Candle After Second Service
December 18 @ 6:30pm: Advent Prayer Night
December 21 @ 7pm: Darkest Night Service
December 23-24: Advent Prayer Vigil
December 23 @ 6pm: Wenatchee Rescue Mission Dinner
December 24 @ 5pm & 11pm: Christmas Eve Services
January 12: Indoor Baptism
January 12 @ 5pm: Epiphany Feast at Festhalle in Leavenworth
(signups coming soon)
Bulletin Board
Our bulletin board is a place where you can express a need to our church body (ex: housing, items needed, jobs wanted, etc.) so that others can reach out and respond. Have a submission? Please email hello@trinitywenatchee.org for us to review.