Next few weeks at-a-glance:
This Sunday: Pentecost (plus Feast @ Methow Park after 2nd service)
Tue, May 28 @ 7pm: I Wonder Nights
Sun, June 4: Godly Play Sunday
June 4 @ 6pm: last Evensong before Summer break (plus Youth Night!)
June 11: Bishop Ken here for worship
June 11 @ 6pm: Confirmation Service
This Sunday: Pentecost
Join us for a Feast Just after 11am at Methow Park

Come celebrate Pentecost (the birthday of the church) after the second service with a feast!
Please RSVP below so that we can get the right numbers for the BBQ!
No need to bring anything... just bring yourselves!
Location: Methow Park Date: Sunday, May 28th Time: 11am
I Wonder Night
Tuesday, May 30 @ 7pm
Let's do it again! I Wonder Night for teens and adults. Together we’ve talked about gender and sex and sexuality. We’ve realized that our culture tells us that life is incomplete without romance and sex. We’ve also heard that God has much more for us than what the world has to offer. This week we are going to continue our discussion looking at FRIENDSHIP. You would never know from watching the latest ads or shows on Netflix, but friendship has been said to be the highest form of God-given love. Jesus says, Greater love has no one than this, that a person will lay down his life for his friends. Come, let’s learn together. And may our prayer be as we wonder together: Jesus, teach us.Tuesday night at 7 in the Fireside Room.
Julie’s Article Series on the Church Year

Last year, Julie Canlis gave several “liturgical pop-ups” throughout the year as we walked through the Christian Calendar from Advent to Christmas, Epiphany to Lent, and then through Holy Week, Eastertide, and Pentecost, and on to Ordinary Time. It was quite the ride! And it helped us enter this ancient rhythm more deeply. If you missed these talks, or simply want to learn more about the church calendar and why we observe it, Julie is currently writing a monthly article for the Archbishop of Canterbury in a new publication called “Seen & Unseen.” We’ll re-post them here in the Tidings so that you can read them as they come out. Enjoy!
Bulletin Board
If you have a personal need (like a job, or housing, etc.), an event you’d like to promote, or something you’d like our church body to be aware of, you can email carson@trinitywenatchee.orgfor us to review before posting.
Come see several Trinity Kids/Teens in Stage Kid's production of Beauty and the Beast Jr. at the Numerica Performing Arts Center June 1-4. Show information including cast lists and ticket purchasing can be found at
Last minute book drive for Thailand orphanage! Amie Kate Canlis leaves at 10am on Sunday (just after the start of second service) for a Thai orphanage whose one request are KIDS BOOKS age 3 to 12+ to help these trafficked girls learn English. Can you go through your shelves and donate any books for her to fill a suitcase or two? BRING TO CHURCH AND FILL OUR SUITCASE!
You're invited to Violet Madson's senior voice recital! She'll be singing opera, music theater, jazz, contemporary, and worship. Saturday, May 27 at 3pm at Wenatchee Valley College Grove Recital Hall. (1300 Fifth St)
Quick Links:
Sunday services: 8:30 and 9:45am (livestream the 9:45)
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