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Trinity Church

O Come Let Us Adore Him: Advent Prayer Vigil

ADVENT PRAYER VIGIL An invitation from Guy Evans

Dear Trinity Friends, Some of us are wired with a hunger for silence. Others are not. Silence can be a powerful doorway to intimate and deep connection with our Savior. Borrowing from an old tradition cultivated by our Catholic brethren, I am organizing an Advent Prayer Vigil the 48 hours leading up to our Christmas Eve Services (which are at 7pm and 11pm on December 24th). So…what will this look like? We will be creating a sacred space in the church that will be staffed around the clock by volunteers who sit silently in it for three hours at a time. Others in the church are invited to stop by for a shorter period of rest and reflection during those 48 hours. We heard from Chris Green last night about Advent being a time of hungering and thirsting. Does your heart hunger for Jesus in this season? We heard from him about how we tend to scurry about with many things, while forgetting the one necessary thing. Do you feel drawn to greater depths of silence and solitude in order to focus your attention on Jesus? If so, please reach out to Guy (contact details below) and consider volunteering as a prayer vigil host/attendant. In order to make this a reality, we need 8 volunteers to “hold the space” in 3-hour chunks. And if you are nervous about how to spend that much alone time with God, be not afraid! Several helpful structures exist that can offer a framework to your time. There are also online resources that can be watched or read beforehand that offer context. But really the simplest means can be the most powerful: stop your body, slow down your mind, watch your thoughts quiet, and rest. God will do the rest. Thank you for your consideration and happy Advent! Best, Guy Evans (509) 670-3608


Missed Chris Green's Lecture on Advent?

Chris Green's lecture last night was NOT a dry, academic lecture! It was more like a sermon that spoke deeply to the heart.

Re-watch, or listen to it for the first time to his talk entitled,

"Joy Alone is Credible: Dietrich Bonhoeffer on Advent as Abiding"


Building Update

Be sure to stay after the service this Sunday for an important building update from Father Matt and the Vestry. We are in the process of negotiating a transfer of ownership with the Brethren Baptists, and we wanted to set aside a time to give you the latest news, as well as hear your questions.


Join the Trinity Christmas Choir

Practices begin this Sunday

This Sunday, we will start rehearsal at 8am sharp. If you have any questions, please call Julie Canlis 206.953.4128. We need men and women, boys and girls (junior high and up - able to read music).

  • Sunday 8am - Dec 5, 12, 19

  • Rehearsal - 12/23, 4-6pm (pizza included)

  • Christmas Eve - 12/24 two concerts:

    • 7pm family concert

    • 11pm candlelit concert


Key Info for Church this Advent

Our services are at 8am and 9:15am.

- Live stream our 9:15am services HERE - Register for services HERE - Watch past services on YouTube - Listen to Sermon audio


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