Alpha Course Starts this March
Dear Trinity,
Praise God for our Fireside discussion in the Trinity basement after Sunday's sermon about how Jesus Receives vs. our temptation to do things "by self!" I want to continue these discussions after each service, including this week as we discuss what we've learned from Christy Penley about parenting, how we were parented, and how God re-parents us.
Also, please begin to think about how you might participate in the Alpha Course this March. Alpha is a 10-week evening course with three parts: a meal, a video, and a discussion. It is meant for people with questions about the Christian faith. I will be one of the discussion leaders, meaning my job is to ensure that seekers and skeptics lead the discussion. Too often discussions like this falter because we Christians are too quick to tell others what we think. Is there somebody you would like to invite to Alpha? Let's start praying for our own hearts to be humbled and to become curious about what God will do to teach us about hospitality, and making room in our church for our neighbors.
Learning to receive like Jesus, Pastor Matt PS Please click the 1 minute Alpha Video above
PPS There’s still time to sign up for the Parenting Conference! Though our childcare capacity is now full, adults can still come. Sign up HERE. Remember, the conference is not just for parents, but for all of us wishing to reflect on our own childhoods, and wanting to help ourselves and others be re-parented by God. If you would like to help Julia with the children’s program during the conference, please call her at 509 630 2456.
Missed the Congregational Meeting? Watch it here.
Annual Diocese Gathering in Colorado
Monday, Feb. 6 - Wednesday, Feb. 8
In a little less than two weeks, eight people from our team at Trinity fly to Wellspring Church in Denver (pictured above) for our annual diocese gathering. For the last several years, our staff, a few from our vestry and others from our congregation have attended this gathering, and it’s always been a time of deep encouragement, nourishment, and worship. It makes us so thankful for the incredible community we get to be part of.
What is a Diocese Meeting? If you're new to Anglicanism, Pastor Billy Waters (Wellspring's lead pastor) wrote this helpful description of what this gathering is: Every year our Diocese assembles for the annual Synod at the beginning of February. Some may ask: ‘What is a Synod?’ and ‘What is Diocese?’ A Diocese is simply a region under the pastoral care of a Bishop. Our Diocese, composed of about 35 congregations, is overseen by Bishop Ken Ross. A Synod is a gathering of clergy and laity from within the Diocese. Simply put, a Diocesan Synod is a gathering of churches under our Bishop’s care and leadership. Every year, our Rocky Mountain Diocese hosts a wonderful gathering in Colorado that allows members of our congregation to have a small taste of the worldwide Anglican Church. From workshops to worship, to meals together and new relationships, it is something you all should consider attending one of these years! This year, the gathering’s theme is Faithful Gospel Engagement in our Culture Today with speaker Dr. Russell Moore (Christianity Today), and we will get to come together with deacons, priests and congregational members from Hawaii to Colorado. Click the button below to see the whole schedule. You can even livestream several sessions as a way to participate and be with us! Our very own Julie Canlis will be one of the speakers at the workshops this year. We hope you enjoy chiming in, and learning about the wider family we’re connected to.
Small Groups Starting Next Month
Sabbath Groups: Join a 4-week group today!
Next week, we have several home groups starting around the topic of Sabbath. Four nights. Four meals together. And four opportunities to practice Sabbath! If you’re new(ish) to Trinity, this is a great way to get connected to others and explore a practice that will lead to health in 2023. Look at the available groups here. East Wenatchee group is full, but Cashmere is open, as well as a daytime and nighttime group in Wenatchee.
Justice and Mercy Formation Group
We have room for 1 or 2 interested people to help us pilot a group stepping into God’s heart for “the least of these.” The group starts February 5th, during 2nd service, here at church. If you’d like to journey with a small group of people for 6 weeks on this topic, text/call Nicole Hunter at 509-670-3825.
Coming Up
PARENTING CONFERENCE This Friday and Saturday… Registration deadline extended until tonight at midnight!
EVENSONG Sun, January 29 @ 6:00pm
CHURCH RESTORATION VISION NIGHT Wed, February 1 @ 7:30pm (More info here)
NEWCOMERS DINNER Sat, February 11 @ 6:00pm (RSVP)
MARRIAGE TUNE-UP Date change: The conference is now March 17-18th. More info TBA!
Quick Links:
Sunday services: 8:30 and 9:45am (livestream the 9:45)
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