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New Horizons: Vestry, Diocese, and Church Restoration

Carson Leith

Dear Trinity, The above photo was taken by me (Carson) on top of Badger Mountain a few weeks ago, overlooking Wenatchee (which is shrouded in clouds) and the clear-as-day mountains beyond. It was a beautiful day where I could SEE far out. In that same vein, we’ve got some new horizons coming up ahead as we look forward to this year, with Vestry, an annual Diocese trip, and the Vision Night we had last night. Here’s how you can participate… Read on! During the services, we will be welcoming two incoming members to our Vestry (Nicole Hunter and Brenda Atkinson), and blessing three outgoing members after their time of service (Jim Clifton, Charlie Atkinson and Rachel Madson). We hope you can join us in praying over them. We’ll also pray for our annual trip to Colorado for our Diocese Gathering (happening this next Monday through Wednesday). This gathering allows members of our congregation to have a taste of the worldwide Anglican Church as we worship, learn, and spend time developing relationships. And guess what? YOU can participate from home by livestreaming several of the sessions! This year’s theme is Faithful Gospel Engagement in our Culture Today with Russell Moore(Christianity Today). We hope you enjoy chiming in, and learning about the wider family we’re connected to. So…back to Vestry. What is the Vestry? And who's on It? - Our Vestry, led by Father Matt, is the governing body of Trinity Church. The Vestry (click here and scroll to bottom to view current members) is comprised of ordinary members of our congregation who demonstrate Christ-like leadership and the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-26). Each Vestry member commits to a 3-year term. They aid the pastors in all agencies and efforts for the advancement of the church's mission, acting as a sounding board in processing the future vision of the church. The Vestry is primarily responsible for:

  • The Building: They ensure that the physical property of the Church is adequate to the work of the Church and that the property is adequately insured and inventoried.

  • The Budget: They oversee Trinity's accounts, annual budget, employee compensation and benefits. They also ensure proper accountability in compliance with the financial manual of the Diocese.

So please join us this Sunday for this important time of prayer in our service. Also happening this Sunday is the launch of a month-long preaching series on our identity in Christ, all leading up to the baptisms on February 26th. See you this Sunday, face to face, Carson+ P.S. - If you missed the Church Restoration Vision Night last night, you can watch the recording here. During our time together, we celebrated what has been accomplished so far, introduced the vision document for the building, distilled the key things we want to see in this project, and laid out clear next steps.


Parenting Conference Recap

If you weren’t able to attend the Parenting Conference last weekend with Christy Penley, we encourage you to check out the recording from Saturday morning’s 9am-1pm session.

Heads up: the recording is off-centered the entire time, and we’re not sure what happened with our technology. We’re sorry about that! But the audio content is all there, and we’ve made the slides available for download below.

AXIS Resources for Parents with Teenagers

During the Parenting Conference, we mentioned a resource called AXIS, which helps adults better understand and connect with their teenagers.

As a reminder, our church has purchased a membership to Every family in our church gets their own FREE membership to this excellent site. Axis Membership delivers trustworthy, gospel-centered resources on the topics that make parenting such a challenge in this smartphone, social media world. Culture, technology, faith, identity, and hundreds of other challenging topics are covered through a Gospel-centered lens, making life’s tough conversations just a bit easier.


Newcomers Dinner

Next Saturday, February 11th

If you are new to our church in the last year, and haven't attended one of our newcomers dinners, we'd love to meet you and share stories around a dinner table at a host home in our parish! Come meet other newcomers as well as one of our pastors and vestry members, and find out how you can take the next step in your path to belonging at Trinity Church.


ALPHA Course

Wednesdays from 6-8pm (March 15 - May 3)

Trinity will be hosting ALPHA starting on March 15. ALPHA creates a space for honest and open conversations about life’s biggest questions. Everyone is welcome and no questions are off limits. ALPHA is a weekly gathering around a meal, followed by a short video and a small group discussion. It is a friendly and engaging setting for exploring the Christian faith and encountering Jesus.

Do you have friends that are seeking meaning in their life or wrestling with doubts? Perhaps you have some questions and are looking for a place to voice those questions. ALPHA is an opportunity for you to invite your friends and encourage them in their journey with God. It might even be an opportunity for you to come to terms with your own faith challenges.

Over the next several weeks you will hear more about ALPHA and you will have the chance to sign up to attend or to invite others. Some of you may be interested in being part of the ALPHA team and if so, please contact Tim Dillman at (760) 315-2233 or Charlie Atkinson at (509) 679-3625.


Coming Up

  • NEWCOMERS DINNER Sat, February 11 @ 6:00pm (RSVP)

  • ASH WEDNESDAY Wed, February 22 @ 7pm

  • FONT BAPTISMS Sun, February 26 during services

  • EVENSONG Sun, February 26 @ 6pm

  • ALPHA COURSE Starts Wed, March 15th (Sign up)

  • MARRIAGE TUNE-UP Date change: The conference is now March 17-18th


Bulletin Board

If you have a personal need (like a job, or housing, etc.), an event you’d like to promote that’s happening in our parish, or something you’d like our church body to be aware of, you can email and we will evaluate the submission for our weekly newsletter. To start us off on this inaugural week, though, we have just one item!

  • Miranda Townley is looking to pick up some extra work (odd jobs / babysitting / chances to serve). If you have something that may fit, contact her at (971) 282-3767.


Quick Links:



(509) 888-2957

  • YouTube

Trinity Church is part of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains. For more information about our tradition, click here.

© Trinity Church

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