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Have you seen what God's doing?

Julia Barger

A Godly Play update from Julia Barger

Dear Trinity Church,

What a delight to return to “normal” Godly Play classrooms full of bright and curious children wondering together about our God who loves us and promises to walk with us. Here’s a little peek upstairs on a Sunday morning.

After a rather raucous journey to their classroom, the children gather in a circle to exchange a liturgical “the Lord be with you,” take three Trinitarian deep breaths, then quietly listen to Scripture Stories told with wooden pieces and reverent words. Then children share their favorite part, wonder where they might be in the story, and what part might be most important. Afterwards is art and play, which are really offerings of prayer. Returning to the circle, we light the Christ Candle, read the Bible, and thank Jesus for His gift of new life. With a blessing, children return to the sanctuary anticipating the Communion Feast. If we are running late, they say, “Hurry, we don’t want to miss the bread and the wine!"

Penny and Sue help the children retell the stories of Jesus in Godly Play I

In Godly Play II, Julia lights the Christ Candle and a small white candle for each child saying “Christ’s light shines in _______."

Carol and Hannah acting out the parable of the Prodigal Son with the Godly Play III class.

Kelly, Carol and the BK kids work on their Scripture timeline.

Come and see Godly Play upstairs during the 9:15 am service. If you are interested in learning more about joining the Godly Play team contact Julia Barger.

My other fall endeavor is a course on Children’s Spiritual Direction by Dr. Lacy Finn Borgo. We meet weekly online to explore the depths of how children commune with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

We are learning to use all our God-given senses to behold the Spirit’s voice in both unexpected and ordinary places. We wonder if “becoming like a child” has more to do with slowing down, focusing, listening, trusting and ordinary eating, sleeping and playing. We make “tools” to help children share their stories and then pray them back to God. We collect a library of wonderful children’s books!During children’s spiritual direction, a child is an invited to “Reflect and Respond” to the presence of God in their life. Wondering questions, emotion stones and wooden story pieces are some of the “tools” to help reflect their stories.

Art supplies, finger labyrinths, sand and clay can help them respond. Because children are integrated, able to listen and communicate with their whole self, words are rarely enough to express their response to God. This is a time for them to receive presence and assurance that they are beloved. It is holy.

I am excited to see how God will use this ministry in children at Trinity and throughout our parish. Please pray for God to lead the way.

Finally, Advent is coming! Keep watch for opportunities to sign-up for Advent Family resources and activities to help us “pay attention so we don’t miss the mystery”!

Resting in Jesus, Julia

PS - Thank you for the outpouring of love upon Hannah and David Pick as they welcome their little Abigail into the world. Here's the latest three updates on how things are going.

The Art of Confrontation (childcare available onsite)
Monday, November 1 @ 5:30 - 8:00pm

JUST ADDED: Childcare available (ages 1 - 4) onsite

Did you know that "confrontation" literally means "turning toward"? All of us need to be able to have a healthy confrontational conversation at one time or another. Sometimes it's a matter of simply saying "no" so we don't get overextended but sometimes it can be a more serious matter of ending abuse and pain.

In this one-night event at Trinity Church, we will be having dinner together, watching this workshop by boundaries expert Dr. Henry Cloud, and having a short time of Q&A. You'll be empowered to take the initiative in creating relationships that are honest, intimate, and fulfilling, and ending pain where you are being hurt.

$10 suggested donation per couple to cover cost of dinner, seminar, etc.

The Reconnect Marriage Workshop
February 11-12, 2022

SAVE THE DATE: February 11-12, 2022

We're so excited for this workshop together. It's going to be held at the church. Normally, if you were to go to Steve for one of these weekends onsite in Bellingham, it would cost you $200. But we are offering it for just $75 per couple! Please save the date for February 11-12, 2022 (that's a Friday evening and a Saturday morning until lunchtime). To get a flavor of what this weekend is all about, watch this VIDEO. Dr. Steve Call is the author of the book Reconnect, as well as a co-founder, along with his wife Lisa, of The Reconnect Institute, which is committed to offering insightful tools and resources to cultivate meaningful connection in marriages.

Steve and Lisa designed and now facilitate the extremely effective Reconnect Marriage Workshops, where couples are taught to understand and change dynamics that disrupt connection. Over the course of the weekend, you'll hear about story, attachment, conflict, shame, play, and how increased awareness and insight can lead us to deeper connection, healing and intimacy.



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Trinity Church is part of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains. For more information about our tradition, click here.

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