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Growing Church, Growing Staff

Trinity Church

Dear Trinity,

During our Face to Face Dinner earlier this month, we talked about what we sense is next for Trinity. That night, some of us who have been here for awhile were noting how we’re in what author and prior Gordon College president, D. Michael Lindsay, calls a “hinge moment.” It is a moment of transition. A season change.

With our growing church, we have needed a growing staff to care for and nurture the good people and good things happening here at Trinity. And with that, we’d like to give you an update on our team. 

Short summary:

  • We’ve got one new position opening

  • Newcomers & Teams Leader - Job Description

  • Scroll down below to read more of our heart behind this role and to apply.

  • We’ve recently made two new hires.

  • Some of us are shifting our responsibilities.

Scroll down for more information on these exciting changes.

Matt Canlis


A Rector is the Anglican term for “Lead Pastor.” For the past 10+ years, Matt has set the vision and mission for our church (Anybody know it? “Face to face with…”). He is the primary preacher, leads our staff, and offers spiritual direction and care for congregants. As our staff grows, Matt is going to be able to create more synergy between what he does at Trinity as a parish priest, and what he does missionally outside of the parish. Thank you for faithfully shepherding us, Matt!

Carson Leith

Associate Rector

Our Vestry recently changed my title to Associate Rector. I am so thrilled about this because it signifies a deep shift in my role so that I can do two things in the coming year: (1) lay aside some of the administrative / organizational parts of my job that have been with me for the past six years, so that I can… (2) step into being present with people more as a pastor. To that end, want to meet? Email me to set up a time.

Guy Evans

Chief Galvanizer

We hired Guy four months ago to be the “Chief Galvanizer” for Trinity staff ensuring effective coordination, communication, and workflow rhythms between ministries and personnel. He’s been a game changer for us, and it’s brought much health to us already. We can all feel the effects of the increased effectiveness we have as a team, as well as the clarity of direction. In addition to working with the staff, Guy works directly with our Rector on strategic planning and implementation of the vision and mission of our church. And last but not least, he is acting as the “hub of the wheel” for our building project (no small feat!). Welcome to the team, Guy!

Julia Barger

Children’s Director

Julia’s role is shifting as she looks forward to training and working with our new Godly Play Director, Kelsee Drain! (See below) Julia will continue to support the spiritual lives of our children and families with visits and resources throughout the year, Holy Listening with children, and leading various events that will help parents and children as we raise our families. Julia has been essential to our team in deep ways over the years, and we’re so glad for her being with us. Thank you, Julia!

Kelsee Drain

Godly Play Director

Kelsee is stepping onto our team this year in order to lead the Godly Play program alongside Julia Barger. As the Godly Play team and program continues to grow, we are looking forward to this next year with her leading one of the most important parts of our church. Welcome, Kelsee! 

Nicole Hunter

Discipleship Lead

Nicole began as our Youth Coordinator for Junior High and High School last year, but has broadened her scope of work to include communications (so grateful for her reminding us week after week not only about what’s going on, but WHY we’re doing what we’re doing!), Matthew 25 Ministries (currently SAFE Families, but with additional parish ministries coming), Youth Discipleship, and Adult Discipleship/Small Groups. She has been a vital presence to our team, skillfully arranging all the pieces of the puzzle so that we can grow in Christ and be nurtured in community as we walk alongside each other. Appreciate you, Nicole!

Susannah Kellogg

Admin Assistant

Susannah has been with us for three years as our Administrative Assistant (read: “can-do Ninja”). Between volunteer coordination, creating the weekly bulletin and powerpointfor Sunday, putting the Tidingstogether, managing the bookkeeping, helping with event planning, and so many more details that are thrown her way, she keeps our operations running smoothly week to week with a smile on her face and a “can do” spirit. How she does this all with a full house of young boys is beyond us! Many thanks, Susannah!


Newcomers & Teams Lead

Want to join our team? We are hiring for a new position! The Newcomers & Teams Lead will be responsible for the first 6 months of a person’s journey here at Trinity. The welcoming-in process. In addition to this, they will oversee our ministry team leads and volunteers. 

Are you gifted at welcoming newcomers (not just at Day 1, but for the first 6 months)?

Do you have a vision for how this could be improved at Trinity?

Do you enjoy seeing teams and leaders operate effectively, and are you willing to actively recruit for open spots in ministry teams?

If this sounds like you, or someone you know, please check out the job description below, and get in touch with Guy Evans.

Interested in this job? Or know someone who’s interested?

Reach out to Guy Evans: or 509-670-3608.


Youth Summer Calendar

June 30: WRM* & Park Games 5:30-8

July 7: No Youth Group

July 14: WRM* & Park Games 5:30-8

July 21: No Youth Group 

July 28: WRM* & Park Games 5:30-8

August 4: WRM* & Park Games 5:30-8

*This summer Trinity youth and leaders are going face-to-face with our neighbors as we head down to Wenatchee Rescue Mission. We’ll serve dinner, then end our evenings at Lincoln Park playing some epic games. (Parents, we’d love to have you join us!). More details to come. 


Summer at a Glance

  • June 23 - Aug 18ONE Service for the Summer at 9am

  • July 7 - Worship in the Parish Each Summer, we take one Sunday off from our own church in order to visit other churches in the valley and see what God is doing in our parish. More info coming next week.

  • July 28 @ 6:45pm - George MacDonald Book Club

  • Aug 11 @ 10:30am - Baptism Sunday at Ingalls Creek Interested in being baptized? Contact one of our pastors, Matt: 206-953-4129 ... or Carson: 509-881-7737

  • Aug 25 - Resume two services at 8:30 & 9:45am

  • Aug 25 - Congregational Meeting

  • Sept 6-8 - Church Camp at Tall Timber


Join the Church Directory

Did you know that we have an online church directory?  It's a great way to connect with others and continue to grow face to face with one another.

So today – I wanted to invite you to do one of two things:

  1. Update your photo and details on Church Center if you haven’t in awhile (just login and update your personal information)

  2. If you’re not in the directory, but would like to add yourself and get access to see everyone else… Send us a request to be added! (just click that link, and then under “more” click “directory” and then login. If you don’t have access, it should give you a way to send a request.)

If you’re having trouble with tech stuff, just reach out to Susannah at Happy to help you out!


Bulletin Board

If you have a personal need (like a job, or housing, etc.), an event you’d like to promote, or something you’d like our church body to be aware of, you can email for us to review before posting.

  • You're invited to consider joining us on a pilgrimage to Herefordshire England - Golden Valley Way Pilgrimage - July 2025. This is the route the Evensong girls helped open in Summer 2022. We have a small group who have expressed interest in doing a pilgrimage on this route Summer 2025 and we’d like to know if you are interested in joining us. (Singing ability/choir joining not needed) The planning of the pilgrimage is in its infancy. We do have plans in the works to help raise funds starting ASAP. (Trinity Family, this does not include asking you for funds - these are opportunities outside the church) Please reach out to Nikki Fritz or Sarah May Little if you’re interested in joining us! This is not a commitment just gauging interest. Once we know who is interested we can have some planning/informational meetings. Nikki (509)630-7704 Sarah May (206)240-8739 Text or Call  

  • Advanced Home Health & Hospice could use a few volunteers, individuals who could sit with hospice patients to talk to them, read to them, and simply keep them company. If interested, please contact David Kopp at 509-415-5603 or



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Trinity Church is part of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains. For more information about our tradition, click here.

© Trinity Church

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