Dear Trinity,
We are thrilled about what's coming this Sunday!
Godly Play Begins
We are so excited to begin classes this Sunday. I have heard from a few children that they are READY!
Please register your child if:
a) you are new
b) you did not register your child last year
c) there are changes to your child's registration information
Our classes include: • Trinity Littles (3 & 4 yrs) Main floor next to the Nursery • Godly Play I (PK4 & K) - 3rd Floor • Godly Play II (1st and 2nd grade) - 3rd Floor • Godly Play III (3rd and 4th grade) - 3rd Floor • Beatitude Kids (5th and 6th grade) - 3rd Floor The children are dismissed after the Gloria. When that happens: Littles and Nursery - Parents sign children into their classrooms and sign out during the Peace. Use the door on the right side of the Narthex. Godly Play and Beatitude Kids - meet their teachers on the Left side of the Narthex, go to class together using the stairwell near the parking lot entrance, and then return to the Sanctuary after the Peace. If you plan to attend the 8:30 am service, please meet the teachers in the Narthex for drop off and pick-up. (9:55 am and 10:35 am). Parents are always welcome and encouraged to visit our classes! For more information Here is this year's parent letter and check out the Godly Play info on the Trinity Website. New Hebrews Series What is the book of Hebrews? Is it a letter? Who wrote it, and to whom? The answers to these questions are not known, but the goal of Hebrews is: "How will the early church learn to read the Old Testament in the light of Christ?” Get ready to learn how to read the Bible, not as 21st century narcissists. Get ready to learn how to read the Bible, and see how the Scriptures offer their own internal critique of Scripture, supremely pointing us to the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ. Read Hebrews 1:1-3 to prepare for Sunday's sermon, and to prepare yourself to be nourished and pruned by Christ's almighty word! Evensong & Matt’s Sabbatical Stories Come join us for Evensong in September, where the girls will sing, followed by time for Pastor Matt to share all about his sabbatical… with an epic slideshow included! 6:00pm - Evensong sung service 6:30pm - Story time with Pastor Matt (about the Sabbatical)
Evensong Auditions September 25 @ 6pm
Evensong continues this year! We will be holding auditions for new and returning members on Sunday, September 25. Evensong is open to all women aged 14 and older. The auditions will be during the beginning of the second service. Once we are done, everyone will be released to attend the second service. Nothing needs to be prepared, there will just be a few simple exercises to see everyone's skill level. This is for women who can read music and will work on music at home. We only practice about twice per month. If this level of skill and commitment sounds good for you, please come to our audition / informational commitment meeting. We are so excited for another year and thankful for all the support we have received!
Newcomers Dinner
Rescheduled for Saturday, November 5
Newcomers dinner has been rescheduled for November 5th. If you are new to our church in the last year, and haven't attended one of our newcomers dinners, we'd love to meet you and share stories around a dinner table at a host home in our parish. Come meet other newcomers as well as one of our pastors and staff members, and find out how you can take the next step in your path to belonging at Trinity Church. Registration information will be announced closer to the date.
Global Missions Advocacy Meeting
October 3 @ 6:30pm
Join us at the Trinity Church office on Monday, October 3 @ 6:30pm for a discovery meeting discussing global missions at Trinity and how we can support global missions organically and effectively. If you're global missions minded, have experience overseas or simply have a passion for global missions we would love to have you join us. Our hope is to create a group that can holistically support and advocate for global missions. This initial meeting will be spent getting to know others who share our passion and how we as a group can move this initiative forward.
Live Bible Study, One Hour per Month
If you haven't already signed up for a Bible Study (or if you want a once/month one with a Wheaten Prof), we wanted to include Trinity in the amazing once/monthly Bible Study that the Anglican Justice Mission is offering to churches who want to better understand the biblical foundations for justice (and God's "quartet of the vulnerable": widows, orphans, the poor, the stranger). The Hebrew word for justice far predates the social awakening of the past few years, and it is important for Christians to be rooted with one foot firmly planted in the Scriptures, and one in our world. Join us for one hour/month as we have this rare opportunity to sit at the feet of an OT prof in a conversational Bible Study. Dr Carroll Rodas is offering this amidst his heavy teaching schedule and his Biblical commentary writing schedule, because he loves the church and longs for her to look like Jesus. All you need to do is register. First Monday of the month, 5pm PST. Canlises are doing this one with their teens!
Key Info for Church this Fall
Our services are at 8:30am and 9:45am.
- Live stream our 9:45am services HERE - Watch past services on YouTube - Listen to Sermon audio