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  • Carson Leith

Congregational Meeting & The Meaning of Lent

Dear Trinity, If you missed the congregational meeting last week, you can listen to it HERE (we couldn't catch the whole of Julia's child safety talk, but you can read her 1-page notes HERE). After Julia's segment, Fr. Matt talked about the building purchase, his upcoming sabbatical (May - August), and more. Then on Wednesday night, Prof Brad Jersak gave a Lent lecture that helped us frame the upcoming season in new and helpful ways. He defined Lent as “a gift of the church, embarking together on an annual, historical re-enactment — a 40-day journey of repentance—leading up to the Paschal (Passover) Feast of the Lamb.” Part of why we’re encouraging things like home groups, a marriage workshop, and yes -- eating pancakes together on Shrove Tuesday-- is so that no one walks this Lent alone. It’s meant to be a journey together. And what is this journey for? It’s for repentance, which is not about feeling remorse, regret, or self-loathing, but rather about reorienting ourselves to our North Star while recalibrating our practices. So…how is God inviting you to walk with Him this Lent? We hope that this season won’t be reduced to “what I’m giving up for Lent.” Brad spoke to how Lent works best NOT by creating laws, but by receiving grace that empowers us. What grace does God want to give you this Lent? This is not a journey from freedom to restrictions, but from slavery to freedom. And our prayer is that God would give you a taste of true liberation in Christ, by the power of the Spirit. The LORD be with you!

Carson+ p.s. - Here are the names of those getting confirmed by Bishop Ken this Sunday @ 6pm. Please pray for them as prepare for this special, once-a-year service. All are welcome to come witness, worship and pray on Sunday night as well. FYI: Confirmation is actually an ordination service for the laity. It's for those who want to renew their baptismal vows and ask for a fresh empowerment of the Holy Spirit to rest as God’s beloved child in Christ, and understand our particular callings.

2022 Confirmands

  1. Terry Fike

  2. Nancy Fike

  3. Anni Evans

  4. Guy Evans

  5. Wes Whitson

  6. Merrick Whitson

  7. Susannah Kellogg

  8. Jenny Eberth

  9. Valarie Johnson



  • Sun, FEB 27 @ services // Bishop Ken at Trinity

  • Sun, FEB 27 @ 6pm // Confirmation with Bishop Ken --> INFO

  • Tue, MAR 1 @ 5:30pm // Shrove Tuesday Pancakes (RSVP)

  • Wed, MAR 2 @ 7pm // Ash Wednesday --> INFO

  • Starting Sun, MAR 6 // Lenten Home Groups (JOIN)

  • MARCH 11-12 // Reconnect Marriage Workshop (REGISTER)

  • Fri, APRIL 1 @ 6pm // Newcomer's Dinner (kid friendly) (RSVP)


Lenten Supper Groups Start in March

*ZOOM Group just added

6-week Home Groups begin this Spring and guide us through Lent with a video by John Mark Comer about Jesus, Desire & Fasting, followed by simple good food and discussion. Participants watch the video beforehand and come to the home group for food and conversation. Starting the week of March 6 ending the week of April 10.


Reconnect Marriage Workshop (+ Babysitting!)

UPDATE: We have 18 couples already registered, and more on the way!

We have five free registrations available for couples who need financial assistance! Please contact

Sometimes we feel stuck in our marriage relationship. But often, lasting change comes from a slight degree shift in our marriage dynamic. Just a slight shift! A new insight, a new awareness, or a new understanding can provide a subtle shift that leads to profound change over the course of our life together.

Dr. Steve and Lisa Call designed and now facilitate Reconnect Marriage Workshops, which invite conversations that promote insight, understanding, and healing in your marriage relationship. And they are bringing this workshop to us at Trinity Church!

Registration is now OPEN for the Reconnect Marriage Workshop. And we believe it's going to be the best $75 you've ever spent. You can register today by clicking the blue button below. Don't wait! Experience hope and delight in the connection that God designed for your marriage.


5:30-6:00pm Arrive/Check in

6:00-8:30pm Session #1 Designed For Connection


8:30-9:00am Coffee Bar

9:00-10:30 Session #2 Disconnection: Hidden Hurt (Gen 3)

10:30-10:45 Break

10:45-12:30 Session #3 Disconnection: The Battle of Shame

12:30-1:15 Lunch

1:15-2:30 Session #4 Reconnection: The Essentials of (Re)Connection


Key Info for Church this Winter

Our services are at 8:30am and 9:45am.

- Live stream our 9:45am services HERE - Watch past services on YouTube - Listen to Sermon audio


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