Dear Trinity Church,
This week we are creating several ways for you to connect with one another this Lent. Please pray for me as I write this week’s sermon about not being able to sing on Sundays. I am growing in my frustration, and my longing to sing. I also keep wondering, and asking God: “Could this unwanted silence be teaching us something about worship?” I will also be announcing our church’s plan to draw closer together this Spring. I encourage you to read Ecclesiastes 5: 1 – 3, and the story in I Kings 18: 25 - 37 contrasting the pagan priests of Baal with the prophet Elijah, and their different styles of worship. Also please keep praying the prayer our church first started lifting back in March: “Lord, please let this virus somehow bring us closer to you, closer to our neighbors, and closer to ourselves in Christ.”
This week I read James 1: 2 - 4 and was struck by the early church’s attitude toward trials of many kinds. “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”
One day, we will be given back what has been taken, and we will lack nothing. In the meantime, let’s keep maturing and growing more complete in Christ. Our pilgrimage continues, but nothing is being wasted. All things will work together for the good of those who love Him, because Jesus has promised to one day make all things new. Godspeed the day!
Persevering with you, and learning to consider it all joy,
Pastor Matt
10 Ways to Come Closer this Lent . . .
Daily Prayer (1:00pm) Seeking God’s Face & “Here I am” prayers . . .
Burning Word Wed 7:30pm Pastor Matt
Luke’s Gospel Thurs 7:30pm Sara Bowe
Weekly Lenten Groups Starting Feb 15
Spiritual Direction Tuesdays & Thursdays Pastor Matt
Guys Frisbee Golf Sat 1pm @ Rotary Park
Two Sunday Services Worship 9:00 & 10:30am
Healing Prayer Andrew & Julie Ray
Friday Movie Nights Daniel Starks
Ash Wednesday Lecture Julie Canlis