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Church Camp Registration Now Open

Carson Leith

Church Camp is Here!

Dear Trinity,

This Fall we are going to be gathering into small groups centered around John Mark Comer's Practicing the Way course.

Two thousand years ago, Jesus said to his disciples, “follow me.” But what does it mean for us to follow Jesus today?

To prepare us for this endeavor, our theme at Church Camp will be BELOVEDNESS. Pastor Matt will take us on a journey exploring the foundations of our identity through the baptism and temptation narratives in the Gospels. How can we distinguish between God's voice and Satan's? How can we receive, and not achieve, our identity as God's beloved children? All of this is essential before adopting practices that help us live into that identity.


Updated Summer at a Glance

  • June 23 - Aug 18ONE Service for the Summer at 9am

  • Aug 4 - Last Youth night going to Wenatchee Rescue Mission

    Meet at Lincoln Park @ 5:30pm

  • Aug 11 - Baptism Sunday at Ingalls Creek. New Time: 10am

  • Aug 25 - Congregational Meeting at 8:30am

  • Aug 25 - One Service at 9:45am

  • Sept 1 - Begin Two Services

  • Sept 6-8 - Church Camp at Tall Timber


Preschooler Playgroup

Parents of little ones,

Please join us this coming Wednesday, August 7th, for our bi-monthly Wednesday morning preschooler playgroup.  We'll be meeting at the playground at Washington Park (110 South Miller Street).

Come join fellow parents/caregivers for coffee, conversation and a low-key play date.

Who: Children age 0-5, along with their caregivers

When: Wednesday mornings 10-11am (1st & 3rd weeks)

Feel free to invite friends and neighbors with little ones as well!


Godly Play Newsletter

The fall 2024 Godly Play newsletter was sent out this week.  If you missed it, catch up with what's going on with our children's ministry below.


Bulletin Board

If you have a personal need (like a job, or housing, etc.), an event you’d like to promote, or something you’d like our church body to be aware of, you can email for us to review before posting.

  • Lauren Leith is in need of two twin mattresses and can even trade you a Casper Queen in exchange.  Only mattresses needed, not boxsprings or frames.  Text or call 509-881-7356.

  • We have five sweet, energetic, talkative, and well socialized kittens who will be looking for new homes in about a month! Clockwise, from top left: Pounce is very furry and roly-poly, with huge paws, and loves to eat. Maisy is adventuresome, curious, and loves people. Mini is smart and loves to play. Mickey is a lap cat who loves to snuggle. And Spiff is an independent free-thinker. All are expected to be good hunters like their mom. Call Rachel Whitson at 509-885-6917 if you would like to meet this crew and possibly add one or two to your family!

  • Ingalls Creek Retreats - Make space with us away from the noise, to listen for God's voice. Join other Young Adults (20's) for a retreat August 9-11: a time to gather in community, gain some spiritual tools for life's journey, and deepen in God. For those 55+ we invite you September 15-18th to learn from Susan S. Phillips in what it means to cultivate our spiritual lives amidst this circus of life. More retreats to come listed on our upcoming events page.



(509) 888-2957

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Trinity Church is part of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains. For more information about our tradition, click here.

© Trinity Church

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