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Change of Plans: Easter 2023

Matt Canlis

Dear Trinity, Change of plans for Easter! Please watch the above video from Pastor Matt, which explains why we’ve made this decision. But in short form, here’s the new plan:

EASTER SERVICES will now be held at our regular service times and location. 8:30 & 9:45 AM At Trinity Church 535 Okanogan Ave After the second service, at 11am, you’re invited to walk down to Methow Park and join us for a mini-feast (coffee, donuts & fruit!)

We hope this will make s p a c e for you to join in whatever capacity you can that day, with family commitments and all. And we pray that His joy would be yours this Easter!


Holy Week Schedule

Palm Sunday April 2 @ 8:30 & 9:45am

“All About Jesus” Tue, April 4 @ 7pm

CENTERING PRAYER 101 [NEW] Wed, April 5th @ 7pm Zoom Link & More Info Good Friday April 7 @ 7pm Holy Saturday: Prayer Vigil Sat, April 8th @ 5:30am → Sun, Apr 9th @ 6:24am More Info Drop-in Hours: 7:30a-7:30p

EASTER SERVICES [NEW Times & Location] Sun, April 9th @ 8:30 & 9:45am (at our regular location) EASTER FEAST [NEW Times & Location] After second service at 11am walk down to Methow Park and join us for a mini-feast (coffee, donuts & fruit!) → No need to RSVP anymore ←


Easter Silent Prayer Vigil

Sign up to host a 2-hour slot (OR …Drop-in Hours: 7:30am - 7:30pm Holy Saturday)

Be still and know that I am God, says Psalm 46. I love this line because it is all about experience: know that I am God. But let’s talk straight: it takes some time in silence to develop this knowing. Which means this is your lucky day! (Or should I say lucky Easter?) This Easter, Trinity has silent seats available! Yes, you too can take part in Trinity’s 24-hour silent prayer vigil starting at 5:30 am on Saturday, April 8, and ending Easter morning at 6:24 am. Why 6:24 you ask? That’s when the sun rises and the ecstatic dancing in the parking lot begins! (True story - a small band of us started the tradition last year. Don’t miss.) So consider signing up for a 2-hour period. And if two hours alone in an old church seems daunting, I can help! Free silent-coaching available. (Also, if the kids or the work schedule doesn’t allow for 2-hours, see if you can’t stop by the church sometime on Saturday for a shorter spell.) Our Savior knew the power of connecting with his Father in silence. Jesus yearns for us all to know such an intimacy. This Easter, come and see. Blessings, Guy Evans [NEW Centering Prayer 101 Class] If all of this silence talk intrigues you or scares you, join me for a 45-minute zoom meeting this coming Wednesday, April 5th @ 7pm, offering a basic overview of Centering Prayer. A video of Thomas Keating will be shared that discusses how to relate to thoughts, feelings, and noises. Following the video, we will practice centering prayer and answer questions.


Nursery Coordinator Needed

NEW: See the volunteer job description below. We are in need of a Nursery Coordinator in order to continue this important ministry to kids and parents. The Nursery Coordinator is responsible for:

  • Scheduling volunteers for serving in the nursery

  • Keeping the sign-in sheets up to date

  • Managing the cleanliness of the nursery

  • 2-3x / year: Ensuring each volunteer has the necessary background checks and child safety training (by teaming up with Julia Barger, our Children’s Director)

  • 2-3x / year: recruit volunteers for the nursery as needed (alongside churchwide recruiting)

As coordinator, you are NOT in the nursery every week! Rather, you’re simply ensuring that a team is there each week. You yourself are part of the rotation that serves on average once a month. If interested, please reach out to Pastor Carson at or 509.881.7737.


Coming Up

  • LENTEN PRAYER HOUR (every Saturday @ 9:30a) Saturdays during Lent, 9:30-10:30 am In the Sanctuary

  • HOLY WEEK See schedule above, or click on the link below


Bulletin Board

If you have a personal need (like a job, or housing, etc.), an event you’d like to promote, or something you’d like our church body to be aware of, you can email carson@trinitywenatchee.orgfor us to review before posting.

  • Clothing Drive for Orchard Workers Migrant and resident workers are starting to return to the orchards. Many are short on clothing suitable for long hours in changing conditions. They are needing mens sizes long pants (Carhartts and jeans, or other tough fabrics), long-sleeved shirts, light jackets, and boots. If you have donations, please get in contact with JoAnn Gruener (415) 858-8232 or


Quick Links:



(509) 888-2957

  • YouTube

Trinity Church is part of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains. For more information about our tradition, click here.

© Trinity Church

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