Church workday aftermath (from last month)
Dear Trinity, We've been hard at work, leaning into our new role as building owners! (Read more about what we've been up to, just below...) This week I wanted to bring to your attention a few things, near and far…from an important building update, to an Evensong send-off, to the introduction of a global missions initiative…plus a special baby announcement :)
Many of you have been asking about what’s happening with the building. Here’s what we’ve been up to…
We closed on the purchase of the building on May 19th! We paid $175,000 in cash out of our savings.
Mike Andreini has accepted the role of sexton, which is the historic term for the person who oversees the care and maintenance of the church building. I am so glad for Mike’s leadership during this transition, as we learn what it means to steward this building.
Our focus this spring and summer has been twofold: (1) stabilizing operations, and (2) doing some necessary system upgrades and fixes
(1) Stabilizing operations. Betty (WBBC Secretary) and I (Carson) have been working closely for months now, transferring all the utilities and services to Trinity, and getting acquainted with the network of people and companies that have worked with WBBC over the years to maintain and service the building/grounds. I am grateful for how WBBC and our Vestry and Staff have helped us navigate this transition.
(2) System upgrades and fixes. Things we’ve done so far:
hired a roofing company to fix many leaks and install new flashing
in process of installing new wireless infrastructure to unify access and improve security management and signal strength throughout the building
installed a new sprinkler controller to replace the non-functioning one, and are assessing how to improve the irrigation system
upgraded our alarm/fire monitoring system to improve safety and security
beautified the landscaping, thanks to Wendy Murphy and Kay Andreini, putting together the church work day…
And here’s a fun one… our coffee maker was dying, and so we’ve gotten a new one and have switched from Costco coffee to Mela coffee for nearly the same price as we were paying! This switch has helped us get closer to our value of going face to face with our neighbors. It’s also helped simplify operations for our coffee team, and made better tasting coffee for you :)
We have brought on Caleb Vickery as our custodian. Caleb grandparents are Lael and Linda, longtime members of WBBC (and it’s Linda’s parents who helped build the church)
The major restoration that we plan to do is not going to happen until some time from now. We have an architect who will likely take on this restoration project. But in the meantime, we are doing some preliminary work to investigate how we can improve the HVAC system to get a better, more economical setup for heating and cooling this building. Our team will meet with the architect in July to continue conversation about the building restoration. But for now, as I said above, we are mainly focused on getting stable on our operations side before doing anything major.
Last Evensong This Sunday (with send-off)
Please join us this Sunday evening at 6pm for the last Evensong of the summer. After the service, we will pray for and bless the girls as they prepare to leave for their trip on Thursday, June 30th!
Thanks, in large part, to your generous gifts, they have raised $22,300 for this trip! You can view the itinerary here.
Global Missions at Trinity
This Sunday, I am excited to have Kevin Tomalty share with you about Trinityand global missions. Kevin and Jayna have been attending Trinity since the Fall of 2021. They have experience in global missions, and a passion for introducing people to Jesus. After Kevin shared with our Vestry about this a few months ago, we wanted him to share with the whole church and invite you to participate in the process as we explore the formation of a missions initiative at Trinity. Don’t miss this important time!
Looking forward to seeing you this Sunday as we continue traveling with King David and with one another on this journey….
Sincerely, Carson
P.s. - On June 20th, John and Jane Ricardi welcomed their new baby boy, Samuel Mark, into the world!

Scripture: 1 Samuel 30 Book: Chapter 10: Generosity - David at Brook Besor Preacher: Doug Waltar
To take (like the Amalekites) is akin to what pirates do on the high seas. Taking has to do with lust, greed, grabbing what isn’t ours. David, up to this moment is guilty of this also, and not for the last time. Yet to receive has to do with gift, gratitude, and provision. When we receive what God freely gives, for God so loved the world that he gave – we too become free to give. We become generous people, and (like David in today’s story) we walk in step with God’s own character.
Service Times: 8:30 and 9:45

Children's Spirituality Seminar June 29: 6:30-8:30
Are you interested in learning how children grow in their life with Father, Son and Holy Spirit? Do you wonder how you might journey with them as the Spirit reveals the great mystery of what it means to be a beloved child of God? And what did Jesus really mean when He said, "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 18:3) I am grateful for several opportunities to explore this important part of our spiritual life. My journey includes a course in Child Theology at Regent College, workshops and book studies, becoming certified as a Children's Spiritual Director and being with children in Trinity Church. I am eager to share what God has shown me over the past several years! Whether you are a parent, grandparent, a spiritual parent or curious about Child Spirituality, please come for an evening to learn, discuss and experience childlike faith. I pray we will grow together in wonder and rest in the Father's love for all His children. We are excited to offer childcare, please register here!
Please contact Julia Barger at 509 630-2456 if you have any questions.

Volunteer Appreciation Dinner July 6 @ 6pm
If you have volunteered on a ministry team this past year, we'd love to spend the evening together celebrating all that God did in and through us this past year! On Wednesday, July 6th @ 6pm, we are hosting a dinner at the MERCANTILE downtown for all our volunteers at Trinity. We want to show our appreciation for you, hear some stories from the past year, and cast vision for being Christ's body this next season, working together for the flourishing of our city. We look forward to seeing you!

BBQ at Walla Walla Park
July 17 - After Second Service
Don't forget about our all-church BBQ down at Walla Walla park Sunday, July 17th right after 2nd service. Please RSVP so we can purchase enough food. We will provide burgers and hotdogs and all the fixings and you can provide a side or dessert to share with everyone! We are also looking for some help with preparing the meal: grilling meat or cutting veggies and cheese for burgers or setting up. If you are willing and able to help please call or text Nate at 360 999-9712.

Please save the dates August 12-14th on your calendar for Family Camp at Tall Timbers in Plain. Official registration will be opening at the end of June but we know how quickly the family calendar can fill up!
Key Info for Church this Summer
Our services are at 8:30am and 9:45am.
- Live stream our 9:45am services HERE - Watch past services on YouTube - Listen to Sermon audio