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Trinity Church

Backyard Chat with Pastor Matt

Wanting to justify himself, the man asked Jesus: “Who is my neighbor?”     Luke 10:29

Does anyone remember where the first Drive-Thru Church began?

The first station, on the first Sunday - March 22, began on the corner of Peachy and Methow Street.  That’s where we placed the Methlick Church Tower sign that asks God’s first question: “Where are you?” You may have also noticed the painted mural of people walking on the Methow Market:

“God could have chosen anyone to be here, but he chose you.” 

Whenever I see this sign I always stop and ask the Lord two questions:

“Why us?”  “And why here?” 

Lately I’ve been asking when will our church be able to meet again in public!  None of us know the answer, but there is something beautiful scheduled to happen on Sunday May 10 – the Grand Re-Opening of Methow Park.  The day was chosen over a year ago because 2020 happens to unite the usually divided Mexican Mother’s Day (always May 10) and American Mother’s Day (the 2nd Sunday in May). 

Could this be the 1st Sunday Trinity church gathers together in public . . .

outside with our neighbors?

Whether or not this happens, could God be inviting you this Sunday to get to know a few of our neighbors around the church?  The Serve Wenatchee Door Hangers are written in both English and Spanish.  Please take time today as an individual, or as families to discern where the Lord is leading you to love Him by loving your neighbors as yourselves.

My prayer is that cars leaving drive-thru church today will go out with joy, eager to celebrate communion, and prayerful about where the Lord is leading you to be the body of Christ in our parish!

Let’s follow Jesus out of the tomb . . .

Pastor Matt

PS   Matthew 28: 7  . . .

The angel said to the women: “He is not here, he has risen . . . go quickly and tell his disciples: He has risen from the dead and

is going ahead of you into Galilee.

There you will see him!”    


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