Dear Trinity,
Last Sunday was a special one, full of joy, inspiration and a renewed desire to trust in God.
And how is it that we had that kind of joy while talking about money and tithing?! You'll have to watch and see for yourself.
~ We cleared up a lot of misconceptions about tithing...
~ We got to the heart of our fears with money...
~ We heard an unforgettable story about animal crackers...
~ And we caught a vision for the joy of generosity...
Download the handout below to have with you while you watch the sermon -- it'll help you follow along with the teaching...
Christ's joy be with you,
Godly Play Sunday
Dear Trinity Family,
The Lord is with us . . . and He is with our children! This Sunday will be a special time to experience the wonderful gift and mystery of childlike faith with our children leading the way. So come prepared to rest, listen, wonder, and play! Our God is the one who invites us into playful delight, reconciliation, honest work, and the restorative feast of bread and wine.
And here’s the exciting news! Directly following the 9:45 am service, EVERYONE IS INVITED to join the children for a Godly Play story and wondering together.
There will be stories in the upstairs classrooms and on the main floor for easy access. Please plan to come and see the beautiful way children enter Scripture and wonder together during Godly Play.

Last week, Hannah Azevedo and I had the privilege of attending the Children’s Spirituality Summit in Deerfield, Illinois. On the campus of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, over 175 academics and practitioners from 8 countries and countless faith traditions gathered to consider “A Child’s Way” in all the complex areas of this modern life. We considered God’s way with children and a child’s way with God. We heard about play, worship, family life, lament and prayer among a host of other topics. Not only did we hear about these topics, we played, we worshipped, we practiced community/family, we lamented and we prayed!

Over the three days, Joel Schoon-Tanis let the Spirit, the community and his own creativity inspire this beautiful picture of “A Child’s Way.” Attendees contributed images and words describing how children lead us to God. If you look closely you will find scraps of paper with words like “Children forgive freely” and “beautifully sensitive” and “do it again.” Joel’s favorite part was working in the midst of the gatherings. I thought of our children, including my own (and maybe even myself), who seem most happy while “doodling” during church.
In the sessions we were invited to “use our bodies” to give our brains a rest. This was a relief and a refreshment. We played Jenga, drew houses, tore fabric and painted rocks. A beautiful window framed octagonal room with soaring ceilings called “The Lantern Room” provided interactive prayer stations. We are excited to wonder how some of the practices we learned might help Trinity Church continue to find our identity as Beloved Children of God. Thank you for helping us take this important pilgrimage to receive refreshment and inspiration!
Julia Barger
Summer Youth Events
June 9: BBQ & Games @ Lincoln Park 6:30-8
June 16: No separate youth group - Join the Pilgrimage!
June 23: WRM* & Park Games 5:30-8
June 30: WRM* & Park Games 5:30-8
July 7: No Youth Group
July 14: WRM* & Park Games 5:30-8
July 21: No Youth Group
July 28: WRM* & Park Games 5:30-8
August 4: WRM* & Park Games 5:30-8
*This summer Trinity youth and leaders are going face-to-face with our neighbors as we head down to Wenatchee Rescue Mission. We’ll serve dinner, then end our evenings at Lincoln Park playing some epic games. (Parents, we’d love to have you join us!). More details to come.
Preschooler Playgroup
Parents of little ones,
Please join us this coming Wednesday, June 5th, for our bi-monthly Wednesday morning preschooler playgroup. We'll be meeting at the playground at Washington Park (110 South Miller Street).
Come join fellow parents/caregivers for coffee, conversation and a low-key play date.
Who: Children age 0-5, along with their caregivers
When: Wednesday mornings 10-11am (1st & 3rd weeks)
Feel free to invite friends and neighbors with little ones as well!
Bulletin Board
If you have a personal need (like a job, or housing, etc.), an event you’d like to promote, or something you’d like our church body to be aware of, you can email for us to review before posting.
Ingalls Creek Day Camp! We'll have a week of fun learning about our good Creator, delighting in all that God has made. We'll share stories of scripture, play games, explore the outdoors, and much more. Questions, contact Details: July 15-19, 8:45am-3:30pm, For kids entering 2nd-6th grade in the fall of 2024 (we offer limited space for a vanpool pick-up from the Wenatchee WalMart and a couple other locations). Cost starts at $185 for the week, siblings come with a discount. $10 off Early Bird Special ends June 1st!