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All The New Things Starting this Fall

Carson Leith

Dear Trinity,

This weekend is the final weekend of our 20-week pilgrimage through the life of King David. And wow! What a journey it’s been. We’ve wrestled with the complicated nature of his life (and our lives as well). And we’ve looked at the beauty, truth and goodness of Jesus, David’s root. Every week we’ve done this, I have marveled at how amazing Jesus is, and how good the good news really is.

Well, it only gets better this week. With David’s last breath…comes the promise of new life, and the hope of something greater. I can’t wait to share!

Sept 18 - Baptism Sunday

The week after we end the David series, we gather for church at Ingalls Creek on Sunday, September 18th @ 10:30am for a special worship service followed by at least 5 baptisms and a lunch feast! Sign up details here.

Sept 20 - Global Missions Gathering

Please read below about a gathering happening at church to follow up on the global missions initiative that’s been brewing this summer. If you're global missions minded, have experience overseas or simply have a passion for global missions we would love to have you join us.

Sept 25 - Hebrews Series + Evensong and Stories from Pastor Matt’s Sabbatical

Then on September 25th, Pastor Matt will start a new series on the Book of Hebrews. That same day, we will have an Evensong service at 6pm, followed by a story share from Pastor Matt (with photos, most likely!) about his sabbatical. You won’t want to miss it.

Adult Small Groups

During the whole month of September, our eightsmall groups are launching. Two are starting this week - the Mom’s prayer group and the Messy Truth book discussion group. If you haven’t signed up for one yet, please visit the small groups page. Like I said last week, these are not groups to absorb more information! Rather, they are built to foster connection and prayer. Hope you can join one...

Youth Groups (7th - 12th grade)

And lastly, this Fall, we are thrilled to be re-launching two Jr. High Discipleship Groups and three High School Discipleship Groups! We are in the process of getting ahold of all the parents and connecting your kids to the appropriate groups, so if you have questions, please reach out to me at

In Christ, who is our Hope,



Scripture: 1 Kings 1-2 Chapter: Chapter 20: Death - David and Abishag Preacher: Carson Leith

Over his lifetime, David faced many deaths—family members, friends, enemies. But this week, David faces his own. What can we learn from this ending? And where is the hope of a new beginning, both for David and all of us? Service Times: 8:30 and 9:45


Baptism and Feast at Ingalls Creek September 18 @ 10:30am

Baptism Sunday is coming! We will hold this year’s baptism service at Ingalls Creek at 10:30am (with a lunch feast to follow). If you’re interested in getting baptized, or having your child baptized, email Carson at We have had one baptism preparation gatherings and there will be another on the 13th at 7:30pm with Pastor Matt (these are also good for people exploring baptism). If you’d like to help with the feast, we need 2 people for setup (9am call time), 2 people for parking, and 2 for cleanup. Please simply reply to this email if you’re interested! If you’d just like to attend, all the info is HERE. It would be so helpful if you could register so we can plan for food!


Global Missions Discovery Meeting September 20 @ 6:30

Join us Tuesday September 20 at 6:30pm (at the Trinity Church office) for a discovery meeting discussing global missions at Trinity and how we can support global missions organically and effectively. If you're global missions minded, have experience overseas or simply have a passion for global missions we would love to have you join us. Our hope is to create a group that can holistically support and advocate for global missions. This initial meeting will be spent getting to know others who share our passion and how we as a group can move this initiative forward.


Newcomers Dinner September 24 @ 6-8pm

If you are new to our church in the last year, and haven't attended one of our newcomers dinners, we'd love to meet you and share stories around a dinner table at a host home in our parish. Come meet other newcomers as well as one of our pastors and staff members, and find out how you can take the next step in your path to belonging at Trinity Church.


September Evensong September 25 @ 6pm

Come join us for Evensong in September, where the girls will sing, followed by time for Pastor Matt to share all about his sabbatical... There may even be an epic slideshow! 6:00pm - Evensong sung service 6:30pm - Story time with Pastor Matt


Key Info for Church this Summer

Our services are at 8:30am and 9:45am.

Live stream our 9:45am services HERE Watch past services on YouTube Listen to Sermon audio

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Trinity Church is part of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains. For more information about our tradition, click here.

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