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Carson Leith

Advent Begins this Sunday

Dear Trinity, What are you longing for this Christmas? At our church, we start longing for Christmas during a season of preparation called Advent. Advent, however, doesn’t begin with light and Christmas joy. It begins in the dark. Literally. It is the darkest time of the year. It is a season of forced emptiness (which is another phrase for God’s spaciousness). It is a season of paring down (when our consumer culture is about stocking up). Advent comes to us as a gift of darkness, emptiness, and says — “Will you enter this period of waiting with me? Will you pause to remember and recognize your own emptiness and darkness — and practice longing for the light?” What might this look like in your own life? What new thing might God want to do in you? We invite you to come and see… Warmly, Carson+ PS. If you weren’t able to see the booklet we handed out last Sunday with all the Advent happenings coming up, please download it below!


Advent Wreath Sunday

December 1, 2013

The first year we made wreaths at Trinity Church

Please bring a bag of freshly cut greens and a $15 donation toward the cost of Advent Craft supplies. We will make the wreaths in the Fireside room after the 9:45 am service. Candles and Family Advent worship guide included.


Key Info for Church this Fall

Our services are at 8:30am and 9:45am.

- Live stream our 9:45am services HERE - Watch past services on YouTube - Listen to Sermon audio


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