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  • Trinity Church

9 Ways To Be the Body of Christ

Good morning, Church!

If you didn’t see Pastor Matt’s email yesterday, read it here.

As he promised, here are 9 Ways To Be the Body of Christ this week.

This week, decrease your time on media, and increase your time on these things:

  1. Set a prayer bell for 9am & 6pm. Practice saying “Here we are” as the body of Christ. Feel free to set an hourly bell for yourself, to practice saying “Here I am.” You might also light 3 candles as an aid to prayer. And then just tell God where you are. Here I am…complaining, afraid, checking the news, not sleeping.

  2. Keep walking 15 min a day, Backyard Pilgrims! We’re on week 3 of Backyard Pilgrim this week, learning how to not be afraid as the children of God.

  3. Listen to Matt’s Fireside Chats via the Tidings. You should be receiving the Tidings every week with a fireside chat from Matt. Sign up here if you’re not getting those.

  4. Look out for Julie’s worship pop-ups. Look out for weekly emails from Julie Canlis for a weekly worship pop-up and a daily prayer liturgy to do at home. If you haven’t already, you can listen to her Lent lectures.

  5. Look out for Julia’s family flourishing emails. Our children’s director is going to send you resources to help you embrace limitations, flourish in the boundaries of your home, and pray for the peace of the city.

  6. Give to the parish fund. This is a fund that will help with any increased needs that arise in our congregation and in our parish during this time. Give here.

  7. Keep talking to your pastors. Please call Pastor Matt (206-953-4129) or Pastor Carson (509-881-7737) if you have any needs, stories, or if you’ve been exposed to the virus. We can’t always answer, but we’ll listen to every voicemail and respond as soon as possible.

  8. Get away to snowshoe at Ingalls Creek. Need some R & R? Doug and Susan Waltar have offered for people to come and enjoy their gorgeous property. Snowshoes, nature walks, and the sound of the river. Call Doug at (208) 818-9446 to arrange a time.

  9. Stay tuned for the deets on Drive-Thru Church happening this Sunday! No cheeseburgers, but there will be bread.

We’ve been hearing stories about how people are creatively loving and serving their neighbors during this time. Do you know what’s happening in the homes closest to you? Maybe there’s a way you could engage your neighbors this week. Outdoor clean up? Dog walking? Grocery pick up? All it takes is knocking and asking. You can do it! And remember, Jesus is found not by going inward and downward, but OUTward, in the face of your neighbor (Matthew 25:31-40). Jesus says, “As you visited one of the the least of my brothers and sisters here on earth, you visited me.”

Shalom to you, Carson+


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