Carson LeithApr 4He Is Risen!Trinity's Easter Flower Cross. Taken by Nikki Fritz Dear Trinity, Christ is risen! For the next 50 days, we celebrate and lean into how...
Carson LeithMar 28No Story is OverPhoto: Shari Dunn Dear Trinity, The words of Son of Laughter's song "No Story is Over" (listen on YouTube or Spotify) have been ringing...
Trinity ChurchMar 21Join a Group this EasterHoly Week and Eastertide Groups Art: Arcabas - Road to Jerusalem Dear Trinity, As we round the bend toward Easter, this "last lap" is the...
Carson LeithMar 15St Patrick + Spring GroupsDear Trinity, As we head into the Fifth Sunday in Lent (which this year lines up with St. Patrick's Day), here is a prayer for your day,...
Trinity ChurchMar 7Confused about Lent? (plus: coming up in March)Dear Trinity, We're halfway through our Lenten journey toward Easter. How is it going? Maybe it's your first time going through Lent and...