Dear Trinity Church,
“What new thing is the Spirit trying to teach . . . ?”
Last Sunday at Pilgrimage Church, Jesus named a fork in the road.
In Luke 10:21, Jesus joyfully praises his Father for the fork dividing two paths.
One path leads to discovery. To learning new things. This is the path of revelation– the path of letting God teach me what I still need to learn. The path of revelation is travelled by anyone who, like a child is curious, wants to learn, and even delights in discovering things we didn’t know – about God, our neighbors, and ourselves.
The other path is travelled by anyone who thinks we know enough. With a twinkle in his eye, Jesus says this path is for “the wise and learned” – the experts who think we know better. Or as one child blurted out at drive-through church, “Oh, you mean the path of the know-it-all!” Yes, that is precisely what Jesus meant.
Which path did you choose this week?
Depending on the day, time, and emotions I was feeling, I have chosen both paths. And because I sometimes chose to think of myself as “wise and learned," I have had to apologize for my pride to people I love. Thank you friends, and family, for not letting me get away with thinking I know better than you. Thank you for helping me realize I am actually upset, that I need to own my emotions, and listen to yours.
Many of you have told me about your own struggles, and the questions you have about what to do, what to say, and what not to say in these troubled times. I believe the answers will come according to the particular thing God is trying to do your life. Given who you are, the circles you run in, and the ways God wants you to grow, ask yourself:
“What new thing is the Spirit trying to teach me in particular?”
Whatever your political beliefs, (and I praise God that Trinity Church has different kinds!) keep resisting the temptation to think yourself “wise and learned.” Keep choosing the road less travelled. And may this pilgrimage we’re taking make us more aware, and more in awe of God, our neighbors, and ourselves in Christ.
Walking with you,
Pastor Matt
PS Your first stop at Pilgrimage Church this Sunday will be listening to Psalm 13, which asks: “How long, O Lord . . .” Please listen to it HERE to get familiar with the new tune for this ancient lament.
PPS Also please read Psalm 133 below in preparation for drive-thru church.
Pastor Carson and I will ask each car what they notice about this Pilgrimage Psalm, which families once sang together as they walked to Jerusalem for worship!
PSALM 133 How good and pleasant and surprising it is when brothers and sisters live together in harmony. For harmony is as precious as the anointing oil POURED OUT over Aaron’s head, that ran down his beard and into his robe Harmony is as refreshing as the dew from Mount Hermon that’s POURED OUT on Mount Zion and there the LORD has CALLED DOWN his blessing – even life everlasting!